Fjölmiðlun og menning - 01.05.2003, Page 285
Sjónvarp Television
Tafla 13.32. Barna- og unglingaefni í Ríkisútvarpinu - Sjónvarp 1991-2001
Table 13.32. Child and youth programmes on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001
Stundir á ári Yearly hours Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Percent distribution
Alls Total Innlent Domestic Erlent Foreign Alls Total Innlent Domestic Erlent Foreign
Alls Total Talsett Dubbed Textað Subtitled Alls Total Talsett Dubbed Textað Subtitled
1991 465 91 374 100,0 19,6 80,4
1992 489 232 257 100,0 47,4 52,6
1993 562 272 290 100,0 48,4 51,6
1994 553 216 337 100,0 39,1 60,9
1995 507 60 447 125 322 100,0 11,8 88,2 24,7 63,5
1996 512 58 454 134 320 100,0 11,3 88,7 26,2 62,5
1997 539 55 484 100,0 10,2 89,8
1998 496 78 418 100,0 15,7 84,3
1999 480 67 413 100,0 14,0 86,0
2000 466 78 388 100,0 16,7 83,3
2001 492 100,0
Skýring Note: Tölur eru námundaðar. Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal and do not necessarily add up to the total.
Heimild Source: Ríkisútvarpið (Ársskýrslur og óútgefnar upplýsingar). The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (Annual Reports and unpublished
[T 13.32. 1970-2001]
Mynd 13.12. Barna- og unglingaefni í Ríkisútvarpinu - Sjónvarp 1991-2001
Figure 13.12. Child andyouth programmes on the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service-TV 1991-2001