Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1980, Blaðsíða 17

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1980, Blaðsíða 17
TEST OF A HAND-HELD RADIOMETER 15 tember is 9.4°C. .Vlean annual precipta- tion is 800 mm of which 270 mm fall through the growing season. The average length of the frost-free period is 140 days/ year which is common for areas near sea level in Iceland. The average annual cloud cover of this area is 75 to 80 percent. Judging from the natural vegatation, this area as well as most parts of the Icelandic lowlands (below 300 m elevation) belongs to the cold temperate zone. The measurements were done on a cul- tiv'ated permanent hayfield. The soil is a well drained, mineral soil of loessial origin mixed with volcanic ashes from nearby volcanoes. Due to their origin, Icelandic soils are dark colored which enables them to absorb more heat than light colored soils during the short season of growth. Due to slow chemical weathering of the minerals and slow decomposition of the organic matter, most Icelandic soils are infertile but give excellent response to the use result of fertilizers. The yields were quite comparable in quantity and quality with yields from grasslands in more favorables climates. The vegatation of the study site was dominated by typical temperate or cold climate grasses, mainly diíferent species of Fesíuca, Poa, and Agrostis. The difference in yield of the measured plots was primarily due to the difierences in density of the grasses. The basal cover of the plots that gave the lowest yield was approximately 40 percent and around 90 percent for the highest plots. Data used In situ measurements oí the red and in- l'rared spectral radiance were obtained with the previously described hand-held radiometer. Six series of spectral meas- urements were made on July 13 and 14, 1976 for 29 V4 m2grass plots. Immediately after the fifth series of radiance measure- ments, the plots were clipped of all stand- ing vegetation. The sixth series of spectral measurements were made after the clipp- ing was completed. The clipped vegata- tion was transferred to paper bags and force airdried at 50°C for 48 hrs. Upon completion of the drying cycle, the total dry biomass weight measurement was made. Regression analysis Regression analysis was used to quantify the statistical relationship between the measured radiances and the total dry biomass for each series of spectral meas- urements. A standardized regression program, Biomedical Computer Prog- ram‘s BMD02R, was used for the analysis (DlXON 1974). Standard regres- sion notation will be used after Draper and Smith (1966) to descrobe the four regression models used. Canopy radianceX = /30 ^ + /3l ^ X TD/3 (1) where Canopy radiance^ = canopy radiance at wavelengt « /30^ = regression derived estintate of /30 at wavelength X = regression derived estinrate of /31 at wavelength X TD/3 = total dry biomass Canopy radiance^= /3o^+ /3l^ X TD/3_j (2) Canopy radiance^ = /30^ X EXP(/3l ^ X TD/3) (3) and Canopv radianceX= (1-EXP(/301 + /3m X TD/3_,)) (4) where S* = asymptotic radiance at wavelength •. Equations 2, 3, and 4 were transformed into linear models prior to regression
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Journal of agricultural research in Iceland
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Tengja á þennan titil: Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Tengja á þetta tölublað: 1. hefti (01.03.1980)

Tengja á þessa síðu: 15

Tengja á þessa grein: Test of a hand-held radiometer for estimating pastur biomass in Iceland

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1. hefti (01.03.1980)
