Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1961, Qupperneq 113

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1961, Qupperneq 113
Elisabeth of Schonau’s Visions in an Old Icelandic Manuscript, AM 764,4°. By Ole Widding and Hans Bekker-Nielsen The well known and well loved story of Elisabeth of SchOnau’s visions, and first among them her vision of Our Lady’s assumption into Heaven is found in several Icelandic manuscripts. The account of her extraordinary visions found its way into the life of the Icelandic bishop, the saintly Gubmundr the Good, written by Arngrimr the Learned in the fourteenth century1. According to the Gudmundar saga bishop Gubmundr (who believed firmly in the assumption of Mary’s body) was delighted to learn about the visionary nun’s experiences, which seemed to him to confirm his views on this difficult question. The manuscripts containing this part of the Gudmundar saga are: Holm 5, fol. perg. (14th century), AM 220, fol. IV (a fragment on vellum from the beginning of the 15th cent.), Am 398, 4° (on paper, 17th cent.), AM 397, 4° (on paper, 18th cent.), and a recently identified fragment in AM Dipi. I si. fase. LXX, 7 (c. 1400)2. It has so far escaped notice that the story is also found in the interesting miscellanous manuscript AM 764, 4° (written in Iceland in the 14th century, c. 1360-70). However, the version in 764 cannot be called an extract of the Gudmundar saga, since it has obviously been the aim of the compilers to incorporate a condensed edition of the story of Elisabeth’s visions into the collection of compara- tively short aneedotes in 764, without preserving a faithful copy of what might be termed the Icelandic standard version (in the Gudmundar saga). To facilitate a future and mueh needed investiga- tion of the textual relationship between the Latin original and its derivatives, and the Icelandic versions (including the one found in the Mariu saga3, the story of Elisabeth’s visions from AM 764, 4° 1 Bp II, 3-184. 2 Ed. Stefån Karlsson, Opuscula 1 (1960) 179 ff. 3 Unger’s edition, 916 ff.
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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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