Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1961, Page 114

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1961, Page 114
94 is edited below. The edition is a faithful transcript of the text in the manuscript with all its peculiarities in orthography however the use of Capital letters and the punctuation has been slightly modified. All scriball abbreviations have been silently expanded according to common practice, and corrections have been placed in brackets. We hope to publish very soon a survey of the Old Norse texts containing contributions to the theological discussions about Our Lady’s assumption (togetlier with an Old Norse translation of the Transitus Mariae)4, so we need not discuss here the affinities between Elisabeth’s visions and related Norwegian or Icelandic texts of the Middle Ages. A curious error in 764 is probably due to a learned mistake: Elisabeth of Schonau is confounded with Elisabeth of Hungary (who is otherwise little known in mediaeval Iceland). Still, 764 has occasional readings which are superior to those of the manuscripts of the Oudmundar saga, as may be seen from a comparison with the Latin original. By comparing the text edited below with the standard version in the Gudmundar saga it is easily appreciated how the compiler has managed to condense the story by liberal omissions, especially towards the end. This is in strict accordance with the editorial principles maintained in the scriptorium from which the miscellany in AM 764, 4° is derived, as is evident from other texts from the same manuscript, where parallels are at hånd, e.g. in the Debate of the Body and the Soul5. AM 764,4° Siau aEum eftir pining guds uar sæl mær maria uppnumin en badan a xlda degi tok hon hollz upprisu bat er ij nattum eftir matheus messo. uar bat langan tima miog uuist firi aldybu. en huersu bat uard liost skal her næst greina. Elisabeth dottir konungs af ungaria geck iklaustr xi uetra gomul lifdi hon storum heilagliga ok er hon hafdi lifad iklaustri xi ar birtiz henni guds modir optliga. talandi med henni ymissar greinir. heilagra ritninga. her med birtiz henni einn guds ei(n)gill sa 4 In Mediaeval Studies XXIII. 6 Mediaeval Studies XXI (Toronto 1959) 272 ff.
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