

Læknablaðið - 01.06.2022, Page 29

Læknablaðið - 01.06.2022, Page 29
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Correspondence: Oddur Ingimarsson, odduri@landspitali.is Key words: First episode psychosis, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, early intervention psychosis, employment, vocational predictors, cannabis. Functional recovery after first episode psychosis rehabilitation in an early intervention psychosis center in Iceland BACKGROUND: Because of the early onset and disabling symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorders many individuals with these disorders are unemployed from an early age and disability pension rates are high. The aim of this study was to assess functional recovery and identify vocational predictors among young first episode psychosis patients registered in an early intervention psychosis center in Iceland in 2010-2020. METHODS: The study is a retrospective cohort study based on the medical records of those who were discharged from Laugaras, the only early intervention psychosis program in Iceland after six months or longer rehabilitation in 2010-2020 (n=144). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to identify vocational predictors. RESULTS: 75% of patients were unemployed at admission to the early intervention center but over half of the patients were employed or in school at discharge. Vocational rehabilitation was the strongest vocational predictor (OR 13.93, 95% CI 3.85-63.89). Other vocational predictors were those that reflect a disabling psychiatric disorder and social functioning before the onset of early intervention. 66% of patients had a history of cannabis use which had a negative impact on employment and education at discharge. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of intensive rehabilitation at an early intervention center, almost half of the patients were neither employed nor in school at discharge. The strongest vocational predictor was vocational rehabilitation which was also one of few vocational predictors that can be influenced by admission to an early intervention psychosis center. It therefore seems important to ensure that effective vocational rehabilitation is readily available at early intervention psychosis centers. doi 10.17992/lbl.2022.06.695



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