AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.2003, Side 25

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.2003, Side 25
Guðmundur Gunnarsson, Chairman Sléttuvegur. Arkitektar / Architects: Árni Friðriksson, Páll Gunniaugsson, Valdimar Harðarson. marki. Eignir félagsins eru tak- markaðar en félagið á húsnæði fyrir skrifstofu sína að Hafnar- stræti 20, 101 Reykjavík skuld- laust og er með einn starfsmann í hlutastarfi. Lágur stjórnunarkostn- aður sem og vandað val á góðum hönnuðum og verktökum, strangt eftirlit og góð fjármálastjórn hafa skilað sér vel í framkvæmda- kostnaði. Sú kvöð er á íbúðunum að við eigendaskipti seljast þær ein- göngu til félaga í Samtökum aldr- aðra og þær mega ekki seljast hærra en framreiknaður þyggingar -kostnaður segir til um miðað við þyggingarvísitölu. Með þessu hef- ur tekist að halda verði á þessum íþúðum í skefjum. þörfin er mikil á íþúðum fyrir aldraða. Sú stað- reynd að verð á íbúðum sem hafa verið byggðar fyrir tilstuðlan Sam- taka aldraðra er kostnaðarverð og að gætt er að gæðastuðli og að- halds í framkvæmdum gerir þær mjög áhugaverðan kost. Eigendur íbúðanna eru ánægðir og fjöldi fé- laga bíður eftir að byggðar verði fleiri íbúðir. ■ ASSOCIATION OF THE ELDERLY The Association of the Elderly was founded in 1973 and has been active for 30 years. Its main goal is to build suitable and eco- nomical housing for the elderly. After the Association’s inception, most of its energy went into organising and selling the idea that the elderly themselves could and should take the initiative to plan and build housing which suited them towards the end of their lives. To join the organisa- tion, applicants must be at least 50 years of age. Members who are 60 years old are eligible to obtain flats; those 67 years and older are in a priority group. In 1981, the cooperative building society, Samtök Aldraðra, was founded. The building society started to look for construction sites and to secure finances to build flats for the elderly. In 1982, the society obtained its first con- struction site. Since then, 300 flats have been built in ten blocks of Reykjavík, including 60 flats at Aflagrandi 40, 33 at Bólstaðarhlíð 41 ,and 32 flats at Bólstaðarhlíð 45. There are four blocks of flats in Dalbraut, which have been built by the Association. The latest building, number 14, will be handed over to its owners in the middle of September 2003. This building houses 27 flats, including one for its caretaker. The youngest building, housing 22 flats, was handed over to its owners in 1999. The buildings at Dalbraut 18, which has 20 flats, and Dalbraut 20, which houses 27 flats, are semi-detached. Sléttuvegur 11 and 13 are semi- detached buildings with 51 flats. The City of Reykjavík has built service centres near the Association buildings, where inhabitants can obtain different services. They can get hot food at lunchtime and coffee in the afternoon. Leisure activities with a teacher include painting, sowing, and dancing. Card clubs have been organised in almost every building, and bingo is usu- ally played once a week. The elderly usually like to live as long as they possibly can in their own accommodation. One of the objectives of the Association is to 23


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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