AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.2003, Page 56

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.2003, Page 56
Salvör Jónsdóttir, Planner, head of the Planning and Building Department.Reykjavík Planning and the Role of Consultants Public awareness about environ- mental issues, including planning, has increased significantiy over the past decade. Therefore, it is worthwhile looking at the real meaning of the planning process and its results. The planning process is a demo- cratic tool for the governing authorities, and citizens, to shape the futures of their local environ- ment. To take on this task, local governments hire consultants to assist them in the process, to define common goals and objec- tives and from there, make sug- gestions for future development. This harmonizes with the com- mon trend in planning practices, known as Smart Growth and/or New Urbanism. These policies have of course been criticised, but many cities on both sides of the Atlantic have adopted the methodology. Simplified New Urbanism can be presented as an increased emphasis put on: Living conditions and social %ohesion of the inhabitants. Part of this trend is an emphasis on dense development and sharing of open space. Reduced emphasis on private •cars and traffic solutions. As an example, garages are placed at the back of building plots and parking by roads instead of large parking areas and public transit is put in priority. Mixed development. The post •var planning methods are aban- doned, where big lot-homoge- nous suburbs were dominant and social groups did not mix. This approach demands multi-disci- plinary cooperation. It has therefore been pointed out that the current trends in planning could encourage the rede- velopment of cities since it promotes solutions of both social and planning problems. Essential to this approach is effective public participation. To facilitate this, the public must be aware of the causes of the prob- lems (reduced environmental quality), ready to tackle them and understand the methods that are likely to lead to improvement. Education and information of the public is therefore necessary here, as in other improvement tasks. The authorities set out their goals in a master plan for the munici- pality, yet it is then in the hands of planning consultants, public servants and developers to finally carry out the plan. It is therefore essential that these groups understand how decisions about land use influences the quality of life in a given local municipality and know how to use the neces- sary means to reach the desired goals. The role of planning consultants Land Use Planning is a relatively young field in lceland. Its devel- opment has been comparable to the trend in other western coun- tries, from being in the hands of technicians to become the coop- eration of many disciplines. One of the aspects often criti- cised when discussing planning is the lack of comprehensive view. The importance of compre- hensive view in planning cannot be overestimated - a good plan cannot be made within a narrow confine, neither with regard to space nor approach. The two planning stages which are in the hands of the local authorities here in lceland, master plan and local plan, require different skills from the planning consultants, but never the less, the goals that are laid down in the master plan are also valid in a local plan. This way it is made sure that a plan- ning consultant keeps faithful to the over-arching goals. However, during the local planning process it is often tempting to emphasise urban design over urban plan- ning. The importance of good design in planning is obvious and has a long tradition in lceland but in order to reach planning goals it 54 Photos: Hreinn Magnússon


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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