Bókasafnið - 01.01.2003, Síða 48
verkefni til að hvetja til notkunar GL eru ekki raun-
hæf nema stofnunin gangist undir að nota aðferðir
og hugmyndafræði GL. Yfirgripsmeiri þjálfun fyrir
alla heilbrigðisstarfsmenn og skipulagsbreytingar eru
þá nauðsynlegar.
í þesarri grein er eingöngu stiklað á stóru um efni
ritgerðarinnar. Ritgerðina er hægt að nálgast hjá
1) Sackett, David L., et al. Evidence based medicine: what it
is and what it isn’t, BMJ 312, (1996), 71.
2) McKibbon, K. A. Evidence-based practice, Bulletin of the
Medical Library Association, 86(3), (1998), 396.
3) McKibbon, K. A. Evidence-based practice, Bulletin o/ the
Medicai Library Association, 86(3), (1998), 397.
4) Scherrer, Carol S., Josephine L. Dorsch. The evolving role
of the librarian in evidence-based medicine, Bulletin ofthe
Medical Library Association 87(3), (1999), 323.
5) Rose, Steve. Challenges and strategies in getting
evidence-based practice into primary health care — what
role the information professional?, Health Libraries Reuieu;
15, (1998), 168-169.
Library support of Evidence Based general practice -
The aim of a survey, undertaken at the Reykjavik Primary
Health Care Centre Library in Iceland, in the spring of 2000,
was to collect information about how the library could
encourage general practitioners (GPs) to use evidence based
sources of information.
The hypothesis is that the GPs are interested in using
Evidence based medicine (EBM) methods but are not using
the information sources best suited to EBM practice.
A questionnaire, sent to all GPs at 10 health centres in
Reykjavik and neighbouring towns, (response rate 75,9% :
41/54), provided information that indicated the GPs feel
positive towards the practice of EBM, although it is evident
they are unaware of key sources of clinical evidence, and
that they do not always prefer to read high quality evidence
based material. Use of clinical guidelines and bibliographic
databases is high and the most common reason for seeking
evidence are real patient problems. This suggests active
information use in clinical care. The GPs do usually not have
time to access information sources during the working day
and think lack of time is the biggest barrier to the practice of
There is clearly a need for promotion of sources of
clinical evidence. The high guideline use indicates the GPs
find summaries of evidence useful. Due to time constraints,
use of preappraised summaries of evidence should be
encouraged. Although EBM practitioners should be familiar
with critical appraisal, it is not realistic to expect busy GPs
to do critical appraisal on a regular basis.
There is a high demand for training, which the library
should support rather than provide, due to shortage of staff.
Institutional commitment to EBM practice is a prerequisite
before large projects to encourage the practice of EBM are
planned and more librarians are needed to provide time
saving support, e.g. in mediated searching.
Goethe Centrum, Laugavegi 18, Reykjavík,
sími 551-6061, netfang goethe@simnet.is
Héraðsbókasafn Rangæinga, Vallarbraut 16,
Héraðsbókasafn Skagfirðinga, Safnahúsinu
Faxatorgi, Sauðárkróki
Héraðsbókasafnið Kirkjubæjarklaustri,
Klausturvegi 4, Kirkjubæjarklaustri
Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, Síðumúla 21,
Iðnskólinn í Hafnarfirði, Flatahrauni 12,
Iðnskólinn í Reykjavík, Skólavörðuholti,
Menningarmiðstöð Hornaíjarðar,
Hafnarbraut 36, Höfn
Norræna Húsið - Bókasafn, Sturlugötu 5,
Opið alla virka daga vikunnar kl. 12 -17.
www.nordice.is nordlib@nordice.is
Orðabókaútgáfan ehf. Bergstaðastræti 7,
Ormstunga ehf. Ránargötu 2o, Reykjavík
Ólafur Þorsteinsson & Co ehf. Vatnagörðum
4, Reykjavík
Setberg bókaútgáfa, Freyjugötu 14,
Stofnun Sigurðar Nordals, Þingholtsstræti
29, Reykjavík
Sveitarfélagið Árborg
Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri,
Eyrarlandsholti, Akureyri