
Bókasafnið - 01.01.2003, Síða 59

Bókasafnið - 01.01.2003, Síða 59
28 The list o/subject headings/or use in dictionary catalogs. ALA 1895. 29 Chan, 1998, bls. 16. 30 Chan, 1994, bls. 171. 31 Miller, 2001, bls. 323 og 336-337. 32 Chan, 2002, bls. 23. 33 Chan, 1998, bls 17. 34 Chan, 1999, bls. 14. 35 Chan, 1994, bls. 171 og Principles underlying subject head- ings languages, 1999, bls. 7. 36 sbr. Subject cataloging manual. Subject headings. 5th ed. Washington, DC, Library of Congress, 1996. 37 Leth, 1998, bls. 10-11. 38 Enhetenför bibliografisk utveckling och samordning (BUS). 39 Svenska amnesord: <http://www.amnesord.kb.se>. 40 Rifetlinjer och tiUampningsanvisninger för amnesordsindexer- ing (2001-12-14, revid. 2002-06-14) http://www.kb.se/ bus/aoriktlinje [Sótt 31.01.2003]. 41 Norsk komité for klassifikasjon og indeksering (NKKI). http://nb.no/nkki/ [Sótt 31.01.2003]. 42 Hjortsæter, Ellen: Emneordskatalogisering. Forslag til norsk standard. Oslo, Bibliotekssentralen, 1990 (Bibliotekssen- tralen bibliotekfaglige serie). 43 Anjer, 1998, bls. 8. 44 Dewey, Melvil: DDK5 - Deuteys desimalklassifikasjon. 5. norske forkortede utgave. 45 NKKI Referat mpte 1/02. http://nb.no/nkki/ref012002 .html [Sótt 31.01.2003]. 46 MUSA/CILLA - Musiifein asiasanasto/Specialtesaurusfór musife. 47 Verkkosanasto/Webthesaurus: <http://vesa.lib.helsinki.fi> 48 „Hur man indexerar med hjálp av Allárs." VESA - Verfe- feosanasto / Webthesaurus: http://vesa.lib.helsinki.fi [Skoð- að 07.02.2003]. 49 Dahla, 2001, bls. 21. 50 Net • punkt - login: http://www.netpunkt.dk. 51 http://bibliotek.dk og http://www.dbb.dk/FindOgBestil/ bibliotekdk.asp. 52 Gptterup, 2002, bls. 26. 53 Brouthton, 2001, bls. 29-31 og http://hilt.cdlr.strath. ac.uk. 54 Schlagiuortnormdatei - SWD, útg. af Die Deutsche Biblio- thek, Frankfurt a/M. 55 Regeln fúr den Schlagwortkatalog - RSWK, 3. útg. kom út í Berlín 1998. 56 Kunz, 2002, bls. 14. 57 Lög um Landsbófeasa/n /slands - Háskólabókasafns, 1994, 7. gr., 15. liður. 58 Lög um almenningsbófeasö/n, 1997,11. gr. 59 Reglugerð um Landsbókasafn íslands - Hdsfeólabófeasa/n, nr. 706/1998,14. gr. 60 Dewey, Melvil: Flofefeunarfeer/i Detueys ásamt afstceðum e/nislyfeli. Stytt íslensk útgáfa. Reykjavík, Landsbókasafn íslands Háskólabókasafn, 2002. 61 Heimildaskráning, 1991, bls. 16. 62 Sem dæmi má nefna að í 3. útg. Kerfisbundna efnisorða- lykilsins er valorðinu MONGÓLISMI breytt í DOWNS HEILKENNI. 63 Chan, 1994, bls.168. 64 Þegar sérnafn (t.d. Hekla) er notað sem valorð má jafn- framt nota tilsvarandi samnafn (t.d. ELDSTÖÐVAR). 65 Olson, 2001, bls. 3. 66 Heiner-Freiling, 2000, bls. 9. 67 Riesthuis, 2002, bls. 9. Summary Policy making in subject indexing in Icelandic Libraries and information centres The article gives a condensed survey of the current scene of subject indexing in Icelandic libraries and information centres. The objectives of subject indexing are discussed and its importance for information retrieval. It compares natural and controlled indexing languages and discusses post-coordinate and pre-coordinate indexing and further the literary warrant principle in indexing and the advantages of using a thesaurus. The policies and practices in indexing in the United States, in the other Nordic countries, in the UK and in German speaking countries as well are described briefly. It is argued that that taking up controlled language subject indexing will be inevitable in Iceland with the implementation of a national library system, which will also serve as a union catalogue for the whole country. Reports on an existing general thesaurus in Icelandic, which needs to be enlarged and expanded. Besides, special thesauri have to be developed as off-shots from the general one. Discusses and makes suggestions for a cooperative indexing policy in Iceland by establishing a Subject indexing Committee on national level. The article concludes by stating that much effort is needed on behalf of Icelandic libraries in harmonizing and standardizing su- bject indexing in libraries and information centers in the country and encourages the Icelandic library community to join forces and start working on the issue. STÖNDUM VÖRÐ UM ÍSLENSKA TUNGU PRENTSMIÐJA FÉIAG GARÐYRKJUHABNA BÓKASAFNIÐ 27. ÁRG. 2003 57
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