Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 112

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 112
116 ETYMOLOGICAL NOTES too, but only in poetic style; in ordinary usage the meanings are ’erect; high; steep’, a striking difference which calls for an expla- nation. We now observe that the adjective reystur figures in compound nouns such as reystmenni n. ’capable man’ from ON hraustmenni. In such compounds reyst- al- ternates with royst-, as like as not under the influence of Old Norse variants with hreysti-, hence also roystmenni, cf. ON hreystimenni. In these surroundings t was regularly lost in pronunciation, so that where the alternative royst- was established, it would be felt as roys-, bringing it into association with roysni, not a big step given the meanings, and willy nilly with roysin also. In some places, then, and at some time, roysin and reystur became comfused, when the latter took on the meanings ’erect; high; steep’ proper to the former alone. It remains to be said that yet another total- ly unrelated word has become involved in these changes. This is roysningur ’walrus’, first recorded by Svabo in the Fiskakvæði and in his Dict. Fcer. compared with Icel. »rostúngr«. It seems that particularly the ad- jective roysin has been instrumental in con- verting ON rostungr into Far. roysningur, their relationship being reminiscent of the pattern seen in heiðin ’heathen’ and its noun heidningur. Our standard authorities explain this word as ’rusty (animal)’ in allusion to the colour, cf. de Vroes, op.cit., 452, the name then being based on *rost ’rust’, though there is no independent evidence for such a term in traditional Norse where the medieval word is ryð. Nor do our natural his- tory books confirm that ’rusty’ would be a likely epithet. However, V. Kiparsky, L’histoire du morse, (Annales Academiæ Scientarus Fennicæ, Ser. B., Vol. 73.3) has shown that ON rostungr is ultimately due to another Old Norse walrus name rostm- or rosmhvalr, where rosm- is the older variant and orginally an independent name, corrupt- ly rendering Lappish morssa, of which it is an anagramme (see particularly pp. 30-44 ’Les formes scandinaves et leur rayonne- ment’). The Lapps were, of course, familiar with the animal long before the Norsemen reached its habitat on the shores of the far north. The name is presumed to be onomatopoeic, reproducing the loud, bel- lowing call. Smæra f. ’clover’ One recognises in Far. smæra f. the typical representative of the native Scandinavian term for clover, cf. Icel. smæra (local: Árnes- sýsla, otherwise smári m.), Norw. smære, Orkney Norn smero, older Dan. smære, Swed. dial. smáre, whereas standard Swed. klóver, like Dan. kløver, older klever, are borrowings from MLG klever. S. Bugge, Paul und Braunes Beitráge xxiv, 455f., compared synonymous Irish seamar, which he regarded as standing in ablaut rela- tionship to the Scandinavian words, though without going into details. We note that sea- mar, seamair f., often as the diminutive seamróg, the last taken into English as shamrock, where it is generally understood as the emblem worn on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. But Bugge’s view did not meet with the assent of others publishing in the field, doubtless since the ablaut variation implied is so irregular. In the following we aim to demonstrate that the words are indeed related, submitting that the nature of the material does not oblige us to operate with ablaut relationship as such. But first, we test
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