

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1974, Page 39

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1974, Page 39
N ÁTTÚRUFRÆÐ INGURINN 161 S U M M A R Y On some rare mollusk species from Iceland by Ingimar Óskarsson Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik. The author reports on the following four species of mollusks which are new to the Icelandic fauna; Philbertia reticulata (Renier), Teretia amoena (Sars), Velutina derugata (Becker) and Rissoella opalina (Jeffr.). The first two species are collected from stomachs of liaddock which were caught in Skjálfandaflói off North Iceland. Only one dead specimen of Phil- bertia ancl four alive specimens of Teretia were found. Velutina derugata has also been gathered from haddock, one specimen from Skjálfandaflói and some off the west coast of Iceland. Some zoologists state that this species should be considered as a variety of Velutina velutina (Möl- ler). It was first found off Jan Mayen. The fourth species Rissoella opalina has been found at two clifferent places. Three specimens came from Skjálfandaflói taken from haddock stomachs and one specimen was found on the shore in the neighbourhood of Kolbeinshaus, Reykjavík. The Icelandic specimens o£ Rissoella differ in size frorn those I have re- ceived from the British Isles, where they were taken in the tidal zone. The Icelandic specimens measure 3 mm in height but those from Britain only 2 mm. Apart from tlie above mentioned gastropods the author discusses the appear- ance and occurrence of Littorina littorea (L.) which has not yet been found alive at Iceland ancl the taxonomic position of Littorina palliata (Say.) to- gether with its remarkable and monstrous varieties. The type specimens of the four above mentioned gastropods new to Iceland are preserved in the shell-collection of Mr. Jóhannes Björnsson, Ytri-Tunga, Tjörnes. 11



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