

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1978, Side 15

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1978, Side 15
heimilisfólkinu á Snorrastöðum fyrir einstaka gestrisni. Sérstakar þakkir eru færðar fræðimanninum Kristjáni Jónssyni á Snorrastöðum fyrir marg- víslegar upplýsingar. Einnig ber að þakka Sigmundi Einarssyni fyrir að- stoð við öskulagaathuganirnar og honum og Jóni Eiríkssyni fyrir yfir- lestur handrits. HEIMILDIR Askelsson, Jóhannes, 1955: „Þar var bær- inn, sem nú er borgin". Náttúrufr. 25: 122-132. Brynjólfsson, Ari, 1957: Studies of reman- ent magnetism in the basalts of Ice- land. Adv. Physics, 6: 247—254. Doell, R. ]{., 1972: Palaeomagnetic stu- dies of Icelandic lava flows. Geophys. J. G. astr. Soc., 26: 459—479. Einarsson, Þorleifur, 1960: Geologie von Hellisheiði. Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln, 5: 55 bls. — 1970: Þættir um jarðfræði Hnappa- dalssýslu. Árbók F.Í.: 105—123. — 1974: Jarðfræði Reykjavíkur og ná- grennis. í Reykjavík í ellefu hundruð ár. Safn til sögu Reykjavíkur: 33—52. Jónsson, Jón, 1977: Reykjafellsgígir og Skarðsmýrarhraun á Hellisheiði. Náttúrufr., 47: 17-26. Landnámabók. Gefin út af Jakobi Bene- diktssyni á vegum H i ns íslenzka forn- ritafélags árið 1968. Reykjavík. Lárusson, Ólafur, 1945: Snæfellsnes I, Landnám á Snæfellsnesi. 197 bls. Reykjavík. Sœmundsson, Kristján, 1966: Zwei neue C14-Datierungen islándischer Vulkan- ausbriiche. Eiszeitalter und Gegen- wart, 17: 85-86. Thoroddsen, Þorvaldur, 1911: Lýsing ís- Iands. II. 673 bls. Kaupmannahöfn. Þórarinsson, SigurÖur, 1951: Laxárgljúfur and Laxárhraun, a tephrochronologi- cal study. Geografiska Annaler, 1—2: 0-88. — 1956: Mórinn í Seltjörn. Náttúrufr., 26: 179-193. S U M M A R Y The age of two recent lava flows in Hnappadalur, W-Iceland by Dr. Haukur Jóhannesson, National Etiergy Authority, Laugavegur 116, Reykjavik, Iceland. The Eldborg and Rauðhálsar lava flows in Hnappadalur W-Iceland are describ- ed. They are both basaltic in composi- tion. The Eldborg lava flow was formed in a single eruption but not in two as Áskelsson (1955) suggested. The eruption took place when sea-level was at least 2 m lower than at present. The country covered by the lava flow was barren at tlie time of the eruption. This suggests an age of 5000 to 9000 years and the higher age is more likely. Rauðhálsar lava flow is the freshest-looking flow in Hnappadalur and it was eruptcd from the Rauðhálsar cinder cone. Unlike the Eldborg eruption, the Rauðhálsar erup- tion included an early phreatic phase.The ash produced can be traced in the wet- lands south of Rauðhálsar. In soil pro- files the dark peat below the ashlayer changes to brown above it. This cliange in colour has been attributed to soil ero- sion soon after the settlement of Iceland. The Rauðhálsar eruption thus appears to have taken place during, or shortly after, the settlement period (874—930 A.D.). Landnámabók (the Book of Settlement), written in the eleventh century, refers to a volcanic eruption in Eldborg in the ninth century but the present study has shown that the Eldborg lava flow is much older and may therefore have been confused with the Rauðhálsar eruption. A study of the Landnámabók indicates that the erup- tion may have taken place in 950—970 A.D. 141



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