

Ægir - 01.01.1986, Page 71

Ægir - 01.01.1986, Page 71
október og jan.-okt. 1985 Hertarafurðir Mjöloglýsi Niðurs. og niöurl. Aörarafurðir Samtals Nr. Magn lestir Verömæti þús. kr. Magn lestir Verðmæti þús.kr. Magn Verðmæti lestir þús. kr. Magn lestir Verðmæti þús. kr. Magn lestir Verðmæti þús.kr. 1.391 14.304 1.391 14.304 11 2.643 15 539 34 7.650 0 140 5.337 608.382 - - _ - 1 232 - 188 8.462 _ 6.866 74.740 45 3.751 2 215 13.401 421.085 3 180 1.027 12.542 4 927 2 291 1.158 32.853 - - 2.958 41.371 1 210 - - 2.977 43.159 3 868 2.728 33.102 107 27.240 - - 4.060 148.259 - _ _ - - - - - 498 44.423 - _ 1.048 11.582 1 159 0 15 1.102 15.116 42 10.037 _ - - - - - 430 52.446 - 71 _ _ 2 320 - - 25 6.047 - _ 5.043 59.534 - - - - 5.652 71.865 - _ _ - - - - 1.995 134.383 - _ - - - - 556 50.730 - _ - - - - 3 2.820 - _ - - - - 36 2.619 - _ _ - - - 111 4.435 - 38 1.376 127 27.579 - - 4.267 179.705 - 19 787 - - - - 104 7.271 - 88 2 104 - - 59 1.989 221 9.959 - 141 2.834 - - 1 15 1.922 164.043 ~ _ 4 540 6 1.400 - - 10 1.940 59 13.887 21.280 253.355 328 69.468 64 2.665 45.444 2.024.306 54 9.661 92 1.820 99 16.469 557 4.846 8.479 275.192 1.413 15.096 1.563 17.554 - 15 574 _ - - - 23 1.469 60 13.232 126 4.774 463 98.493 13 3.537 62.859 7.161.438 0 52 15 626 1 232 - - 1.353 44.936 2 208 83.121 962.268 119 11.979 247 2.913 147.320 4.001.388 37 2.789 7.585 95.165 89 15.823 3.330 5.282 32.802 437.405 - 23.574 305.947 8 2.063 - - 24.479 335.150 9 2.664 18.012 220.229 402 92.728 760 8.254 27.495 795.160 - 365 4.697 - - - - 43.663 96.818 2 295 78 4.604 - - 3.910 282.122 - 14.821 162.876 3 424 0 33 15.100 182.357 - 1.419 15.627 - - - 1.419 15.627 320 79.140 1.522 18.644 53 10.581 - - 5.098 418.512 4.815 61.094 - - - - 4.815 61.094 - _ 5 — - 0 138 - 350 6.686 75.571 7 1.227 0 59 7.031 142.822 12.823 161.556 - - - - 13.432 173.887 - 501 4.481 _ - - - 25.381 1.863.982 - 569 89.302 - - 35.983 1.687.156 - 1.342 16.295 - - - 9.563 664.059 - 926 12.866 - - - - 996 47.585 - 2.745 37.654 _ - - - 5.958 178.741 - 14 1.785 - - 1.217 42.070 28 1.091 31 3.794 - - 59 4.885 - 10.768 141.888 1.190 229.957 - - 35.861 1.210.281 320 13.133 _ - - - 1.219 55.421 235 35.014 8 344 7 1.317 59 1.989 594 52.111 - 349 10.210 2 449 1 15 13.090 957.499 10 2.326 985 13.260 14 897 - 1.119 26.184 240 659 9.181 45 9.045 - 710 18.724 676 136.310 194.943 2.365.147 3.095 574.705 4.410 22.082 524.112 20.976.575 1^6 30.402 146.500 1.702.917 2.424 346.133 5.750 76.148 378.071 12.180.828 ÆGIR-63



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