Saga - 1989, Page 76
Frnm an srticle, datod Copetihagen, ?3tl
it appcars, that ynry erroncous notions coir >riu
ing tiu* occupation oí' tíits i«!and hy tho Brltish ire,
vail in that cnpital. >Vc think it ri^ht, thcreftye
to state sucli aUditional facts as havc conu* to our
T|ie Margarct ancl Ann. nud tho Sctlhj, lottcrs of
marqm*, belonging to ji cousidera!»lc house ín íije
soai>-boi!i.»g line in Lonllon, sai’ed froin tJie Thamea
in Álay last, for Iceland. Onc JAttf.issyv. (or Jc-
bi'canzi:) a D.ine, rcsident in London, was iak< n
out to act as intcrpicter, ai.d'to aid in collecting
tallou and oil at ti>e diiferent creeks in teelaad. lu
ten days the vesscls reached itykavii k, the princi-
pal harhonr, and ruuy tin* seat of Covernmont,_
Count Tn \mp had jus varrived from Copechagen and
assumed the cemmand of thc* Island. An under-
standing vvas quickly estabiished, hy wlnch inmual
trading vvns to be winked at. Whcn, liowever, the
cargoes of tallow vvere neariy completcd, some pcr.
sons belonging to thc ietters of marque tliought fit
(o break faith. and suddenly seizcd the Connt aud
hisguards, tonk possession ofa vessel beipmring t»>
the Count, aud sú;l {rnrtly laden vjith liis prijato
stores, aud laid tluir hgnds also on the pubiic
‘•tore*. belonging to Clovernruent. Jahgisson put
Iiimself at t|ie liead of this e.vploit. lle toojc up IJs
quarters at tlie (iovernor’s house, and niade somc
Luglisli sailors and sorue lcelanders pnradt* beforc
tlu* door as guaids. Hearing tliat a hostile party
of Jhuies was ussembled abpút *ix milés oH', he
niountnl his Lnglish saiior .. v.ich tliei. drnwn cut.
5. mynd. Frásögn blaðsins „The Courier" 24. október 1809 af atburðum ársins
á íslandi.