Saga - 1989, Page 77
Ia:~s«“s. »n lci'Iatul horscs, ar.d, hcadinír íh'*m, • lallop-
cdlhiough thi* morasscs. (fhorc boit g np roads) iii
ordcr U> di-'j.erse thc j.virty ;—a luoie groujy
i 1 envalry, we are toid, and verily beSieve, it is íiu-
possihlu io figure ! The Icelanders loobecl on y iih
perfect iiidilierenre.'. .) aí7í;i."son, elated with his
success, allected fiie jioiivp of sovereign power. }fc
lesoheci ta hoist an Ict'lanci llug, He orcleretl
soiih* camas to he ilyecl b!ue ; but the uutiy^S
could not approaéh nparer ilmt colour tjian f
sort of dirty purph*. Ile himself jnit some bleach,
ed canvas into fhe shapc of three cod-fish, aiul to
rendér thcise insijruia moru ridiculous, if pps-
sihle, he cho*e to imitale the split ordriedlish.—
II<‘ got six dismounted cannon raiscnl out of tliQ
saiul ou thc* benrii, aud jilacéd on thc* foií. Tiie
lulbot sloop of tur aceiden’taHy aucho mg neac
Kvkavick, her comniandér wa» surpricd at the
di'pla, of a nevv Ilag, whiv’h l.c could uoc al all
inufch ainoi'g tlie colo :rs of vnrious ualtous in his
posscssion. On comiug ashon* he cat's ’d fhe tce-
laiul.tíng' to be throvvu i’ ivvn, aiut Fort .í.ujpsspn A>
be disinntitled ! The ould-be Governor vvas or-
dereclto I.ondoii : aud. a: h:s ovvn requesf.. í.'uuot
Ticami* was also talveii lo Ci itain, to staíe W> coui-
It is not to b«‘ doubted that our Ooverninent " ill
on Ihis, as ;>n. evcrv similar occasior, conchict«—
with liberality ancl’good1 fail!:. ' If the pÍK’Vc* slatc--
tne.ií- !)t rorrc'ct, thc pjocc idings avrt’ prol.*:»b!y 1m»
Uttei i} diauovved. \í e shouid hot n(‘ surprÍM’d to
!ic*ar tliat ('o’inl ’i’it v .vív is ofderec) tsi be reinstiitcd ;
a! ali eveut tiis private prftpei’t'- w ill be r« storec!.
It is hot jirobábfe that our G‘>vt!rnment c an havc
auy thoaghts of rotaiuing Uie islaud.—-Edinbui'a^