Vera - 01.07.1983, Page 31

Vera - 01.07.1983, Page 31
 *■%$$*** t EgJmgsa a$Mií aíKiiíBa 7m. «*tnetl • f/ ^a fveí5te^ «A* °ÍX”ut^wíSuatf \&\*ð a\ e\^ ^tatta( ,atvua&] eatvtvf^1' óð' ttv\tttutva" etUt" -\ö\>at’ uttt'" ! að\teVia' YteVtuUl l tevöu" v^^s^sgsS \*uat.Lt vevút svo^ ftoVv.a ■r- • Vjgjw ^ ^ ^ (bea.s-^1 vetöut stetvö OP ^egat u^’ B ve\dut certv f\estut" a\\at að ipevtta ,twis afte\st (evtv ,A\UttVtUU' rtnV&auUa’ áa ^ettua s 5 Vpatt ft0^t „t teVtt^a * tv\Wet\\aa tv. ■ f, stötv<\utu Vw ; oS ^•SiSSSSs*-' ■^gS?SBS3SSSÖ2 **”%£*$£<* g,eta BÓÖSt ^atValrt^e^VvetvttaíiaSttv^0ft’ cv.. "45 **££>?£&* *$£ - “6 - w’ .t staö tttt^'tvtv\^atu'(\etta utð. e\ti aístao «»*•£& ■ Ltvatt6ttS bat{ a& uakrtVtöt. ^W^tv^ btevtt'?e'"ctv\vé.vetðUTft ttvVtat^t W^CV t"'^ Wetttvsttt^ottt^ °6 V'& Q^eVVtt et ^ð\ e\tt. wfeg\\efea1Ptð"^ai PeU''^ö\\uöu, ert\a =WtvVað lasts\t'sV



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