Læknablaðið - 01.04.1973, Blaðsíða 11
Mikilvægi lungnareks er ekki eingöngu
bundið fjölda sjúklinga, sem fá sjúkdóm-
inn, heldur og því, hve stór hluti þeirra,
er hann drepur, hefði ella lifað. Ef dregn-
ir eru frá 27 sjúklingar (5 af 10, sem höfðu
verið greindir með lungnarek fyrir dauða
og 22 af 39, sem ekki voru greindir), sem
hafa engar batahorfur, þ. e. a. s., sem
deyja, þó að lungnarek komi ekki til, eru
eftir 24 sjúklingar. Það er einkum hjá
þessum sjúklingum, sem mikilvægt er að
greina sjúkdóminn.
Hjá okkur voru 20,4% greindir fyrir
dauða. í svipaðri rannsókn á lyfjadeild í
Danmörku voru aðeins 14% greindir.9
Fullkomnari rannsóknir, sem eru sér-
staklega gagnlegar við greininguna, svo
sem lungnascan, blóðgasmælingar og
lungna-æðamyndir, voru ekki tiltækar á
þessum tíma. Nú eru þessar rannsóknir
gerðar á deildinni og er þess að vænta, að
þær bæti greininguna til muna.
A clinical study of pulmonary embolism over
a ten year period 1961-1970, in the Medical
Department, Landspítalinn, Reykjavík. There
are 102 cases of pulmonary embolism, of whom
51 lived ahd 51 died. 49 cases came to autopsy.
Those that lived were generally much youn-
ger than those who died. Women were more
numerous among the patients who lived.
The clinical picture is studied, predisposing
causes, symptoms and signs are enumerated.
The relative importance of the various labora-
tory studies as well as chest X-ray and electro-
cardiogram in the diagnosis of puimonary em-
bolism is evaluated. ,
The importance of pulmonary emboli as a
cause of death is evaluated. The patients who
died were of advanced age, most of them had
other serious diseases, which in many cases
may have been the direct cause of death or
would inevitably have lead to death in the
near future. ,
The incidence of pulmonary embolism was
0,9% among the total patient number (11.107).
The incidence among those who died (644)
was 7,9% (not all were autopsied).
1. Böttiger, L. E. Lungemboli. Nordisk Medi-
cin 84:1462. 1970.
2. Freiman, D. G. & assoc. Frequency of pul-
monary thromboembolism in man. The
New Engl. J. Med. 272:1278. 1965.
3. Hilder, Frank J. & Ormond, R. S. Ac-
curacy of the clinical diagnosis of Pulmon-
ary embolism. JAMA 202:567. 1967.
4. Israel, H. L. & Goldstein, F. The varied
clinical manifestation of pulmonary embol-
ism. Annals Int. Med. 47:202. 1957.
5. Kahvan, M. & Masuoka, S. Clinical study
of pulmonary embolism. Am. J. Surg.
121:432. 1971.
6. Kattadiyil, P. P. & assoc. Diagnosis of pul-
monary embolism. Brit. Med. J. 3:67. 1970.
7. Morrell, M. T. & Dunnill, M. S. The post-
mortem incidence of pulmonary embolism
in a hospital population. Brit. J. Surg.
55:347. 1968.
8. Murril, M. S, & assoc. Diagnostic sensitivity
of laboratory findings in acute pulmonary
embolism. Annals Intern. Med. 74:161. 1971.
9. Pallesen, A. E. & Nörregard, S. Thrombo-
embolisk lungesygdom i en medicinsk af-
deling. Ugeskr. f. lœger 127:1493. 1965.
10. Phelps, M. D. Jr. Thrombophlebitis and
pulmonary embolism. Med. Clin. North Am.
53:341. March 1969.
11. Towbin, A. Pulmonary embolism. JAMA
156:209. 1954.