

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1983, Síða 31

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1983, Síða 31
LÆKNABLADID 293 tveimur að pví er varðar fjölda rekkjunauta. Um 31 % þeirra, sem sýktir voru af lekanda gáfu upp fleiri en einn rekkjunaut en aðeins 16% peirra sem aðeins ræktaðist C. tracho- matis frá (Chi-square: p > 0,025). Mun fleiri klamydiasýkingar greindust hluta ársins en hinn fyrri. Greiningarnar voru fæstar tvo fyrstu mánuðina og má vera að ástæðan sé sú að rannsóknin var nýhafin og hafði ekki náð til annarrar og þriðju »kynslóðar« kyn- sambanda fyrstu sjúklinganna. Ef petta er rétt er tíðni sjúkdómsins enn meiri en heildartalan fyrir árið gefur til kynna. Veruleg ástæða er til pess að leggja áherslu á leit að smitberum. Af peim 315 sjúklingum (tafla III), sem komu vegna beiðni reyndust 145 haldnir kynsjúkdómi og voru a.m.k. 49 eða þriðjungur þeirra algjörlega einkennalaus. Ennfremur höfðu nokkrir hinna svo væg einkenni, að sennilegt er að þeir hefðu ekki leitað læknis vegna peirra. Höfundar vilja pakka ritara og hjúkrunarkonum Húð- og kynsjúkdómadeildar Heilsuverndarstöðvar Reykjavíkur og starfsfólki tölvudeildar Ríkisspítalanna fyrir veitta aðstoð við skráningu og úrvinnslu gagna. SUMMARY Eleven hundred and fifty one individuals were examined for gonorrhoea and chlamydial infections in the STD clinic in Reykjavik, Iceland, during the twelve months of 1982. Of 788 males, 254 or 32.2 % were found to be infected with C. trachomatis. 166 or 21 % were infected with N. gonorrhoeae and 58 or 7 % harboured both organisms. Of the 363 females, 93 or 25.6 % were found to be infected with C. trachomatis, 73 or 20 °/o were infected with N. gonorrhoeae and 31 or 8.8 % were infected with both organisms. The age distribution was the same for both diseases, the prevalence being highest among females 19 and 20 and males 21 and 22 years of age. Of the 196 males that had C. trachomatis as the sole pathogen, only 128 or 65 % had symptoms of urethritis. Eighty nine % of the male patients with gonorrhoea on the other hand had symptoms of urethritis. Of the 425 males that no pathogen was cultured from, 207 or 49 % had symptoms of urethritis. Three hundred and fifteen individuals came as a result of contact tracing and 46 % of those were infected with one or both pathogens. One hundred and twelve or 36 % had chlamydial infections and 65 or 21 % had gonorrhoea. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Dr. Jens H. Scheibel and his staff at The Institute for Medical Microbiology, University of Copenhagen, for their invalu- able assistance in instituting the culture system for C. trachomatis. HEIMILDIR 1) Schachter J. Chlamydial infections. N Engl J Med 1978; 298; 428-35, 490-5, 540-9. 2) Mardh P-A, Möller BR, Paavonen J. Chlamydial infection of the female genital tract with emphasis on pelvic inflammatory disease. A review of Scandinavian studies. Sex Transm Dis 1981; 8: 140-55. 3) Thelin I, Wennström A-M, Mardh P-A. Con- tract tracing in patients with genital chlamydial infection. Br J Vener Dis 1980; 56: 259-62. 4) Möller BR, Þorsteinsson SB, Þórarinsson H, Kolbeinsson A. Chlamydia trachomatis. Ein- kenni chlamydiasýkinga hjá mönnum. Lækna- blaðið 1982;68:203-7. 5) Morello JA, Bohnhoff M. Neisseria ánd Branha- mella, í: Lennette EH, Balows A, Hausler JW jr., Truant JP, eds. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 3. útg. 1980. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 6) Scheibel JH, Kristensen JK, Mordhorst C-H. Chlamydia trachomatis ved gonoroisk og non- gonoroisk uretrit. Ugeskr Læger 1980; 142: 879- 81. 7) Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1978-79. Landlæknisembætt- ið, Reykjavík, 1981. 8) Hansson H, Danielsson D. Epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases in the Scandina- vian countries. Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 1982; 32: 149-56. 9) Weström L, Svensson L, Wölner-Hansen P, Mardh P-A. Chlamydial and gonococcal infec- tions in a defined population of women. Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 1982; 32: 157-62. 10) Thelin I, Mardh P-A. Contact tracing in genital chlamydial infections. Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 1982; 32: 163-6. 11) Wallin J. Sexually transmitted diseases. The present situation in Sweden. Br J Vener Dis 1978; 54: 24-7.



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