

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1983, Síða 44

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1983, Síða 44
302 LÆK.NABLADID fyrr en viö getum tekið upp pær nýjungar sem best reynast erlendis. Næsti áratugur mun endurspegla nýtíðni sjúkdómsins betur, en að auki mun byrja að koma í ljós árangurinn af vaxandi skurðaðgerðum pessa áratugar. Þá verður væntanlega hægt að gera sér grein fyrir afdrifum pess stóra hóps íslendinga, sem nú fer í hjartauppskurði til útlanda. SUMMARY St. Joseph’s Hospital, Reykjavik, is a 180 bed General Hospital in Medical, Surgical, Opthalmic and Pediatric (30 beds) Services. As such it takes turnes with two other hospitals for one week out of every three, in admitting acutely ill patients from the whole country with a population of around 230 thousand. Thus study is a retrospective review of cases with acute myocardial infarction seen in the hospital over a 5 year period 1976-80. The diagnostic criteria used are those of WHO. The hospital keeps a common diagnostic file and the study includes patients in all departments and not only those in the Medical Department. Included are, therefore, people who were admitted for surgical reasons and who died suddenly without having had any indication of coronary artery disease. AIso included are several old nursing care patients who were initially admitted for a variety of reasons other than myocardial infarction. Patients dead on arrival are included if cardiac resuscitation was attemtted. The figures and tables are mostly self-explanato- ry. The study involves 369 admissions of 354 patients, 238 males and 131 females. 75 patients died (20.3 %). The mortality rate of males was 15.9 % and of females 28.2% (P<0.05). The mortality of patients admitted because of myocardial infarction was 16.9% (males 14.3%, females 21.9%) but of those suffering myocardial infarction while in the hospital for a variety of other reasons was 48.7 % (males 31.8 %, females 70.6 %). The mortality figures are similar to those of other hospitals in Reykjavik. HEIMILDIR 1) Hagtíðindi okt. 1981, 66: 10: 196. 2) B. Þjóðleifsson. Dánartíðni af völdum sjúkdóma í kransæðum og heilaæðum á íslandi 1951-1979. Ráðstefna um rannsóknir í Læknadeild Háskóla Íslands 7. mars 1981. 3) Goldman L, M.D., M.P.H., Cook F, M.S., Hashi- moto B, M.D., Stone P, M.D., Muller J, M.D. og Loscalzo A, B.S. Evidence that hospital care for acute myocardial infarction has not contributed to the decline in coronary mortality between 1973-1974 and 1978-1979. Circulation 1982; 65: 936. 4) Lárusson G, Steinsen H. Þórðarson Þ. Krans- æðastífla á Landakotsspítala. 10 ára yfirlit (1966- 1975) Læknablaðið 5. Ágúst 1978, Fylgi- rit bls. 27. 5) Þorsteinsson SB, Harðarson Þ., Samúelsson S.: 151 Sjúklingur með kransæðastíflu á lyflæknis- deild Landspítalans 1.1.69-1.3.70. Læknablaðið des. 1971,57:255. 6) Þorsteinsson SB, Harðarson Þ., Samúelsson S.: 94 sjúklingar með kransæðastíflu á lyflæknis- deild Landspítalans 1.1.1969-1.3.1970. Læknar- blaðið jan.-febr. 1973; 59: 3. 7) Þórðarson Ó., Baldvinsson E. Kransæðastífla. Læknablaðið des. 1969; 55: 201. 8) Guðmundsson S, Baldvinsson E, Oddsson G, Harðarson Þ. Sjúklingar með kransæðastíflu á Borgarspítala 1972-1975. Læknablaðið júlí 1979; 65: 123. 9) Scheidt S, Ascheim R and Killip T. III Shock after acute myocardial infarction A. J Cardiol 1970; 26: 556. 10) Hjalmarson A., Elmfeldt D„ Herlitz J et al. Effect on mortality of Metroprolol in acute myocardial infarction. Lancet 1980; 2: 273. 11) B-blocker heart attack trial researct group. A randomized trial of propranolol in patients with acute myocardial infarction. JAMA, March 26 1982, Vol. 247, no 12. 12) Henderson A, Campell RWF and Julian DG. Effect of highly purified hyalorunudase prepa- ration (GL enzyme) on electrocardiographic changes in acute myocardial infarction. Lancet 1982 April 17, 1(8277); 874-6. 13) Merx W, M.D., Dörr R, M.D., Rentrop P, M.D., Blanke H, M.D. et al. Evaluation of the effecti- veness of intracoronary streptokinase infusion in acute myocardial infarction: Postprocedure management and hospital course in 204 pa- tients. 14) Swan HJC, M.D., Ph. D. Editorial: Thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction: Treatment of the underlying coronary artery disease. Circula- tion 1981;66:914. 15) Meyer J, M.D., Merx W, M.D., Schmitz HMD et al. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angio- plasty immediately after intracoronary strepto- lysis of transmural myocardial infarction. Circu- lation 1982;66:905. 16) Mathey DG, M.D., Rodewald G, M.D., Rentrop P, M.D„ Leitz K, M.D. et al. Intracoronary streptokinase thrombolytic recanalization and subsequent surgical bypass of remaining ather- osclerotic stenosis in acute myocardial infarct- ion: Complementary combined approach effec- ting reduced infarct size, preventing reinfarcti- on and improving left ventricular function. Am Heart J Dec. 1981; 102: 1194-1201.



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