

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1986, Blaðsíða 71

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1986, Blaðsíða 71
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 371 þennan sjúkdóm, 76 karlar og 56 konur. Meðalaldur við greiningu er rúm 69 ár hjá báðum kynjum. Árin 1971-1975 greindust 35 með sjúkdóminn, á næstu fimm árum 43 og 1981-1985 voru 52 sjúklingar greindir. Fimm ára lifun (survival) er 14,3% hjá þeim sem greindust á tímabilinu 1971-1975 en 16,3% næstu Fimm á á eftir. Tíu ára lifun á tímabilinu 1971-1975 er 2,9% (eitt tilfelli). Niðurstöður benda til þess að nýgengi sjúkdómsins sé hærra hérlendis en víðast hvar og fari vaxandi. ACE INHIBITORS IN HEART FAILURE H. J. Dargie. Western Infirmary, Glasgow. An array of neuroendocrine responses results from and indeed may aggravate the fall in cardiac output and increase peripheral vascular resistance that is found in most patients with chronic congestive heart failure secondary to left ventricular dysfunction. This biochemical spectrum includes increased plasma concentrations of renin angiotensin II (AII), aldosterone (ALDO), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and noradrenaline (NA). Appropriate in haemorrhage or dehydration, these responses are not wholly beneficial in cardiac disease and, in concert with what has aptly been described as »unintelligent behaviour of the kidneys«, may be responsible for the salt and water retention that completes the clinical syndrome of raised venous pressure and oedema or »heart failure« in patients with severely compromised left ventricular function. ACE inhibitors reduce the plasma concentrations of AII, ALDO, AVP and NA and acutely this is accompanied by fall in systemic vascular resistance that correlated with pretreatment levels of renin. The full haemodynamic profile includes reduction in arteriolar and venous tone, right and left atrial, pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures, together with little change or slight fall in heart rate and a modest increase in cardiac output. Qualitatively these effects are maintained in the long term though their magnitute is less and serveral double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial have demonstrated that they are accompanied by an improvement in tirednesss and breathlessness, an increase in exercise capacity and a decrease in ventricular dimensions and arrhythmias. Interestingly these long term benefits seem less closely related to the pretreatment renin with the exception of the correction of hypokalaemia and depleted total body potassium. Potential problems include initial hypotension that can be severe and life-treatening, renal dysfunction, hyperkalaemia, hyponatremia, cough and angioneurotic oedema. Other toxic effects including skin rash and dysgeusia and their relationship to the sulphhydro chemical grouping remain the subject of debate. The most common mode of demise in heart failure secondary to left ventricular dysfunction is sudden death due to presumed ventricular arrhythmia and preliminary data from our own prospective follow-up series suggests that treatment with ACE inhibitors may be beneficial in this respect also. Acute myocardial infarction is accompanied by a similar neuroendocrine response especially in patients with left ventricular failure. The raised level of AII, AVP and nonadrenaline could have important implications for myocardial perfusion and cardiac function: and experimentally Captopril reduced infarct size. Titration of low doses of Captopril in acute myocardial infarction produces a haemodynamic profile similar to chronic heart failure and may be worth exploring especially in patients with left ventricular failure after myocardial infarction. LEFT BUNDLE-BRANCH BLOCK, PREVALENCE, INCIDENCE, FOLLOW-UP ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND EXERCISE TESTING Guómundur J. Elíasson, Kjartan Pálsson, Kristján Eyjólfsson, Atli Árnason, Þórður Haróarson, Nikulás Sigfússon. Lyflækningadeild Landspítalans, Hjartavernd. In a randomly selected population screening study of 8450 men aged 33 to 61 and 9.000 women aged 34 to 61 conducted in Iceland in 1967-1977, 27 men and 17 women were found to have left bundle branch block (LBBB). By 1977, the prevalence was 0.43% in men (mean age with LBBB 58.9) and 0.28% in women (mean age 58.5). The annual incidence of LBBB was 3.2.104 in men and 3.7.104 in women. All 36 alive patients with LBBB were examined in 1984 including chest x-ray, echocardiography and exercise testing (Bruce protocol). Eight men and no woman had had a myocardial infarction (p<0.05), 9 men and 3 women had angina pectoris, 10 women and 5 men had hypertension (p<0.02), 5 men had cardiomyopathy, 7 men and 6 women had primary conductive disease, 2 patients had pacemakers. Eleven patients were asymtomatic, 11 had mild and 14 severe functional limitations. Five men and two women had died in comparison with 18 men and 1 woman in an age-matched control group of 176 people (p:n.s.). Three of 5 deceased LBBB men had cardiomyopathy at autopsy. Three men died suddenly. The two women died of noncardiac causes. Only one patient in the control group had cardiomyopathy (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in other cardiac diagnosis between the groups. Eleven LBBB women out of 13 had normal exercise duration (6 min) and 11/17 men exercised normally (7 min). Nine men and two women had an increased LV diameter and 3 men and 2 women had septum thickness > 1.5 cm by echocardiography. In comparison with the control group, the LBBB patients had an increased LV diameter 2.85 ±0.38 vs 2.58±0.38 cm/m2 body surface area (p < 0.01) and non-significant increase in intraventricular septum thickness. There was no difference between the groups in left atrial diameter. In conclusion, cardiomyopathy in men and hypertension in women are associated with LBBB. The prognosis of LBBB is good and few patients require pacemakers. The LV diameter is increased in randomly selected patients with LBBB. HJARTAGANGRÁÐAR Á LANDSPÍTALANUM 1968-1985 Bjarni Valtýsson, Árni Kristinsson. Lyflækningadeild Landspítalans. Rannsókn þessi fjallar um 199 einstaklinga, 76 konur og 123 karla, sem fengu hjartagangráð á Landspítalanum á
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