

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1993, Side 45

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1993, Side 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1993; 79: 295-6 295 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI GUÐJÓN HARALDSSON Þann 29. janúar 1993 varði Guðjón Haraldsson læknir doktorsritgerð við háskólann í Gautaborg. Ritgerðin nefnist á frummáli: »RadicctI production after warm ischaemia. An experimental study in rabhit kidneys«. Fer ágripið hér á eftir. During the last two decades research has shown that radicals are involved in many pathological conditions and the list of diseases where radicals may be involved is constantly growing. Formation of radicals is also a problem in preservation of renal function in conservative renal surgery and in renal transplantation. Earlier studies have used indirect methods for the evaluation of radical production and radical damage but with the evolution of electron spin resonance (ESR) and spin trapping a direct method for detecting radicals in biological systems has emerged. Aims of the study: 1. To study radical production at reperfusion after ischaemia in the rabbit kidney by using the spin trap technique. 2. To study how the radical production is influenced by intervention against radicals. 3. To study effects of intervention against radicals on kidney function after 60 min of ischaemia. Methods: New Zealand white rabbits were used as experimental animals. In the acute experiments where radical production was studied the aorta and caval vein were ligated below the level of the left renal artery and vein. A plastic cannula was placed in the aorta with the tip close to the left renal artery for infusion of the spin trap (OXANOH). When exposed to radicals OXANOH is oxidized to the stable form OXANO*. The blood Key words: Rabbit kidney, ischaemia-reperfusion, kidney function, spin trap, OXANOH, ESR, oxypurinol, IC-SOD, EC-SOD, heparin, desferrioxamine, mannitol. flow in the left renal artery was measured by ultrasound technique. Blood samples were withdrawn from the left renal vein for analysis of OXANO* content. OXANO* concentration was determined by ESR. Measurements of radical production were performed before and after 60 min of ischaemia without pretreatment or after pretreatment with either oxypurinol, IC-SOD, EC-SOD, heparin, mannitol or desferrioxamine. The effects of pretreatment with these substances on kidney function were studied chronically. On the first day a rightsided nephrectomy was performed and the left kidney subjected to 60 min of ischaemia with or without pretreatment. After two days the animals were re-anaesthetized and the glomerular and tubular functions determined. Results: After 2 min of infusion of the spin



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