

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1994, Blaðsíða 57

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1994, Blaðsíða 57
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1994; 80: 47-48 47 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI SIGURÐIR GUÐMUNDSSON Þann II. september 1993 varði Sigurður Guðmundsson doktorsritgerð við læknadeild Háskóla Islands. Ritgerðin nefnist The postantibiotic effect, from tlie test tube to the laboratory animal. Andmælendur voru prófessor David Greenwood frá Nottingham í Bretlandi og Karl G. Kristinsson læknir á sýklarannsóknadeild Landspítalans. Agrip úr ritgerðinni fer hér á eftir: A previously poorly investigated pharmacodynamic variable, the postantibiotic effect (PAE), had been characterized by several investigators in vitro for a number of microorganisms and older antimicrobials. In the work described herein the viable count method for its determination was standardized and enrployed to extend the initial data on the PAE in vitro to a variety of extended spectrum antimicrobials. Thus, by our observations and those of others, cell-wall active antibiotics (all four classes of (3 -lactams, vancomycin) generally induce a PAE of 2-4 hrs duration against Gram-positive organisms, but none or very short PAE against Gram-negative bacilli. Drugs that inhibit protein or nucleic acid synthesis (aminoglycosides, trimethoprim, tetracyclines, clindamycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, 6-fluoroquinolones) induce a PAE of I -6 hrs against both Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli. A notable exception to the general absence of a PAE after exposure of Gram-negative bacilli to /3-lactams is the induction of a clinically significant PAE by imipenem and other carbapenems against P. aeruginosa. PAEs up to 7-10 hrs were induced for pathogenic yeasts (Candida albicans, C. glabrata, Cryptococcus neofonnans) after exposure to amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine, but no true PAE was exhibited after exposure of these organisms to imidazoles, only a period of slower growth rate, presumably due to the presence of residual drug. In addition to parameters previously demonstrated to influence the duration of the PAE (type of antimicrobial and microorganism, concentration of drug and its duration of exposure), a significant deleterious impact of pH and advantageous impact of antimicrobial combinations, particularly from the addition of rifampin, on the duration of the PAE and bactericidal rate in vitro was demonstrated. The vast majority of data on the PAE have been obtained by in vitro experimentation. In vivo experiments in a neutropenic mouse thigh infection model with a wide range of drug- organism combinations have confirmed the in vitro studies. However, the PAEs induced by aminoglycosides against Gram-negative bacilli were markedly longer in vivo than in vitro and no in vivo PAE could be induced by
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