Læknablaðið - 15.05.1994, Qupperneq 36
Setting: Iceland.
Participants: All drivers in single car accidents
(n=471) during the time period 1989-91 and
a control group from the general population
(n= 1.000).
Main outcome measure: Medical health prolile
and answers to questions concerning sleep disorders
and alcohol abuse.
Results: Compared to the controls the drivers were
younger and were three times more often males.
The drivers abused alcohol more often. Chronic
disorders like epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, cardiac
disorders were not overrepresentated. Altogether
15.4% claimed that sleepiness had caused their
traffic accident. Logistic regression analyses
revealed that these ”sleepy” drivers had abused
alcohol more often and had rnore often a history
of falling asleep while driving.
Af hálfu Umferðarráðs unnu að könnuninni:
Sigrún Olafsdóttir og Örn Þ. Þorvarðarson
umsjónarmenn slysaskráningar ásamt Óla H.
Þórðarsyni framkvæmdarstjóra Umferðarráðs.
CAGE spurningar um áfengisneyslu (Cutting
down, Annoyance, Guilty feeling, Eye
Hefur þér fundist þú þurfa að draga úr
áfengisneyslu þinni?
Verður þú pirraður/pirruð þegar áfengisneysla
þín er gagnrýnd?
Hefur þú fengið sektarkennd vegna
Hefur þú einhvern tíma fengið þér afréttara?
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