

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1994, Síða 10

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1994, Síða 10
446 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1994; 80 Þakkir Við þökkum Þórólfi Guðnasyni lækni fyrir yfirlestur greinarinnar og góð ráð. Dr. Sigurði Guðmundssyni lækni eru einnig færðar þakkir fyrir gott innlegg. HEIMILDIR 1. Schollin J, Bjarkc B, Wesström G. Infective endocardi- tis in Swedish children I. Incidence, etiology, underlying factors and port of entry of infection. Acta Paediatr Scand 1986; 75: 993-8. 2. Johnson DH, Rosenthal A, Nadas AS. A forty-year review of bacterial endocarditis in infancy and child- hood. Circulation 1975; 51: 581-8. 3. Sholler GE, Hawker RE, Celermajer JM. Infective en- docarditis in childhood. Pediatr Cardiol 1986; 6: 183-6. 4. Awadallah SM, Kravey R-EW, Byrum CJ. Smith FC, Kveselis DA, Blackman MS. The changing pattern of infective endocarditis in childhood. Am J Cardiol 1991; 68: 90-4. 5. Channer KS, Joffe HS, Jordan SC. Presentation of in- fective endocarditis in childhood and adolescene. J R Coll Physicians Lond 1989; 23: 152-5. 6. Baltimore RS. Infective endocarditis in children. Pe- diatr Infect Dis J 1992; 11: 907-12. 7. Geva T, Frand M. Infective endocarditis in children with congenital heart disease: the changing spectrum 1965- 85. Eur Heart J 1988; 9: 1244-9. 8. Newburger JW. Infective endocarditis. In: Fyler D. ed. Nadas' Pediatric Cardiology. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc., 1992: 369-75. “ 9. Moller JH, Anderson RC. 1,000 consecutive children with a cardiac malformation with 26- to 37-year follow- up. Am J Cardiol 1992; 70: 661-7. 10. Rastogi A. Luken JA, Pildes RS, Chrystof D, La- Branche F. Endocarditis in neonatal intensive care unit. Pediatr Cardiol 1993; 14: 183-6. 11. Millard DD, Shulman ST. The changing spectrum of neonatal endocarditis. Clin Perinatol 1988; 15: 587-608. 12. Noel GJ. O'Loughlin JE, Edelson PJ. Neonatal Staphy- lococcus epidermitis right-sided endocarditis: descrip- tion of five catheterized infants. Pediatrics 1988; 82: 234-9. 13. Stanton BF. Baltiomore RS, Clemens JD. Changing spectrum of infective endocarditis in children. Analysis of 26 cases, 1970-9. Am J Dis Child 1984; 138: 720-5. 14. Dajani AS, Bisno AL, Chung KJ, Durack DT, Freed M, Gerber MA, et al. Prevention of bacterial endocarditis- Recomendations by the American Heart Association-. JAMA 1990; 264: 2919-22. 15. Lukes AS, Durack DT. Infective endocarditis. Curr Opin Cardiol 1993; 8: 502-10.
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