

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1996, Síða 30

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1996, Síða 30
220 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 Op á milli gátta hjá íslenskum börnum Hróðmar Helgason, Guðbjörg Jónsdóttir Helgason H, Jónsdóttir G Atrial septal defects in Iccland Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 220-6 Atrial septal defects (ASD) are common congenital heart defects (CHD), 15-22% of all CHD. The diag- nosis of ASD is often delayed due to nonspecific symptoms and faint heart murmur and needs confir- mation by echocardiography (2 DE). The aim of our study is to study the incidence of ASD, associated defects, and operative results in patients in our pop- ulation of 260,000. We reviewed the medical records of all patients diagnosed in Iceland with the diagnosis of ASD born in 1984—93. There were 43,809 births during that period. The ASD was confirmed by 2DE in all pa- tients and smaller defects than 4 mm were excluded. There were 87 patients, 61 female and 26 male; male/female = 1:2,4. The number of patients in- creased during the period; 1984-85 four patients, 1986-87 12 patients, 1988-89 19 patients, 1990-91 22 patients and 1992-93 30 patients. The incidence in 1984-85 was 0.5/1000 and in 1992-93 2.6/1000. The ASD types were: ASD secundum 79 patients, ASD primum three patients and sinus venosus ASD five patients. The symptoms that lead to cardiac eval- uation were most often heart murmur with (22%) or without (62%) other symptoms. However 16% of the patients did not have murmur as a referral diag- nosis. There were 26 (30%) patients with other con- genital anomalies (Down’s syndrome eight patients, other chromosomal defects three patients, 15 pa- tients with other congenital defects) and 29 (33%) patients also had a minor cardiac defect. Four pa- tients died, all from other causes than the cardiac defect, none of whom had been operated. There were 34 (39%) patients who will or have already Frá Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landspítalanum. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Hróðmar Helgason, Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landspitalanum, 101 Reykjavík. been operated, in 29 (33%) patients the ASD has closed spontaneously and in 12 (14%) patients the ASD size had decreased so there was no need for an operation. There were no deaths from operation and one patient had a minor complication. In conclusion ASD is a more common problem in childhood than previously reported and often these patients have significant associated problems. Vague symptoms and often inconspicuous heart murmur often delay diagnosis. The surgery for ASD is safe and longterm prognosis favorable. Ágrip Op á milli gátta (atrial septal defect, ASD) er algengur hjartagalli og talinn næst algengasti hjartagallinn. Til skamms tíma hefur op á niilli gátta aðallega greinst í fullorðnu fólki enda klínísk einkenni oft lítil á barnsaldri. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að athuga nýgengi og greiningu hjartagallans hjá börnum, tengda fæðingargalla, árangur aðgerða og langtíma- horfur. Farið var yfir sjúkraskrár og ómskoðanir allra barna fædd á árunum 1984-93. Op undir 4 mm voru ekki tekin með. Ómrannsókn lá fyrir hjá öllum sjúklingunum. Það greindust 87 börn með op á milli gátta á Islandi, 61 stúlka og 26 drengir, kynjahlutfall 2,4:1. Fjöldi greindra sjúklinga fór vaxandi allt tímabilið: Fjögur börn 1984-85, 12 börn 1986-87, 19 börn 1988- 89, 22 börn 1990-91 og 30 börn 1992-93. Þegar líffærafræðileg gerð opanna var athuguð voru 79 börn (91%) með secundum op á milli gátta, þrjú börn (4,5%) voru með primum op á milli gátta og þrjú (4,5%) með sinus venosus op á niilli gátta. Það einkenni sem leiðir til greiningar er oft- ast hjartaóhljóð með (22%) eða án (62%) ann- arra einkenna. Hins vegar voru 16% barnanna ekki með hjartaóhljóð. Af þessum 87 börnum



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