

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1996, Page 15

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1996, Page 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 563 Þvagleki og þvagfærasýkingar hjá konum 70-89 ára Lilja Þ. Björnsdóttir1), Reynir T. Geirsson 1,2), Pálmi V. Jónsson 1,3) Björnsdóttir LÞ, Geirsson RT, Jónsson PV Urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections in 70-89 year old women Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 563-8 Objectives: The purpose of the study was to in- vestigate the prevalence and presentation of urinary incontinence (UI) and urinary tract infection (UTI) among elderly women. Material and methods: A total of 120 women, aged 70-89 years, were randomly selected and asked about urogenital complaints in a structured inter- view. Seventy were living in homes for the elderly and 50 living at home. Medical records provided information about urinary tract infections and the use of estrogens. Main outcome measures: Types and frequency of urinary incontinence and urogenital complaints and estrogen use. Results: Urinary incontinence affected 47.5%, half of them daily. Urge incontinence was most common (39%), then mixed incontinence (32%) and stress incontinence (26%). Urge and mixed incontinence caused significantly more discomfort than stress in- continence. During the past two years 35% of the women had experienced UTI and 11% had five or more infections. A total of 27 women were receiving estrogen treatment, the majority in homes for the elderly (p<0.001). They had a high prevalence of UI, UTI, and other complaints compared to women Frá11 læknadeiid Háskóla íslands,21 kvennadeild Landspít- alans, 31 öldrunarlækningadeild Borgarspítalans. Fyrir- spurnir, bréfaskipti; Lilja Þ. Björnsdóttir, Grenimel 21, 107 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: Urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, estr- ogen replacement therapy. not receiving estrogens. Considerable or great dis- comfort from the urogenital tract was reported by 21% of the women. A third of the women had dis- cussed urogenital complaints with a physician. Conclusion: In view of the prevalence of urogenital complaints, it is likely that more elderly women could benefit from medical assessment and treat- ment. Indications for estrogen treatment need to be more clearly defined. Physicians might improve management by using preventive measures, affirma- tive questioning and more diagnostic work-up and thus improve the quality of life of elderly women. Ágrip Tilgangur: Rannsóknin var gerð til að kanna algengi og birtingu þvagleka og þvagfærasýk- inga hjá gömlum konum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Samtals voru 120 kon- ur á aldrinum 70-89 ára valdar með hendingar- vali. Sjötíu bjuggu í þjónusturými elliheimila og 50 í heimahúsum. Spurt var um tilvist þvag- leka og þvag- og kynfæravandamál í stöðluðu viðtali. Sjúkraskrár veittu upplýsingar um þvagfærasýkingar og östrógen notkun. Mælistikur: Gerð og tíðni þvagleka og þvag- færavandamála og algengi östrógen notkunar. Niðurstöður: Alls voru 47,5% með þvagleka og 23% með leka daglega. Bráðaleki var al- gengastur (39%), síðan blandleki (32%) og áreynsluleki (26%). Bráða- og blandleki ollu marktækt meiri óþægindum en áreynsluleki. Síðastliðin tvö ár höfðu 35% fengið þvagfæra- sýkingu og 11% fengið fimm eða fleiri sýking- ar. Á östrógenmeðferð voru 27 konur, oftar þær sem dvöldu á stofnunum (p<0,001). Kon- ur á östrógenmeðferð voru marktækt oftar en aðrar konur með þvagleka, þvagfærasýkingar og önnur óþægindi. Talsverð eða mikil óþæg-



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