

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1999, Síða 21

Læknablaðið - 15.07.1999, Síða 21
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 609 an hárri tíðni hjá öldruðum nú á seinustu ára- tugum hennar. Að þessum fæðingarárgöngum gengnum fækkar sennilega ætisárum, einnig meðal aldr- aðra. Þó ber að hafa í huga að nýir umhverfis- þættir eru að koma fram sem kunna að breyta þessari mynd og ber sérstaklega að nefna gigt- arlyf og reykingar og óþekktir þættir geta hugs- anlega breytt þessari spá (24-26). Þakkir Rannsóknin var styrkt af Vísindasjóði Land- spítalans og Rannsóknarráði íslands. HEIMILDIR 1. Warren JR, Marshall B. Unidentified curved bacilli on gast- ric epithelium in active chronic gastritis. Lancet 1983; i: 1273-5. 2. Susser M, Stein Z. Civilisation and peptic ulcer. Lancet 1962; i: 115-9. 3. Sonnenberg A. Temporal trends and geographical variations of peptic ulcer disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995; 9/Suppl. 2: 3-12. 4. Kurata JH, Corboy ED. Current peptic ulcer time trends. An epidemiological profile. J Clin Gastroenterol 1988; 10: 259-68. 5. Sonnenberg A, Miiller H, Pace F. Birth-cohort analysis of peptic ulcer mortality in Europe. J Chronic Dis 1985; 38: 309-17. 6. Katschinski BD, Logan RFA. Changes in birth-cohort pat- tem of peptic ulcer mortality in England and Wales. Post- grad Med J 1991; 67: 825-8. 7. Walt R, Katschinski B, Logan R, Ashley J, Langman M. Rising frequency of ulcer perforation in elderly people in The United Kingdom. Lancet 1986; i: 489-92. 8. Coggon D, Lambert P, Langman MJS. 20 years of hospital admissions for peptic ulcer in England and Wales. Lancet 1981; i: 1302-4. 9. Svanes C, Lie RT, Kvále G, Svanes K, Söreide O. Incidence of perforated ulcer in westem Norway 1935-1990: cohort or period dependent time trends? Am J Epidemiol 1995; 141: 836-44. 10. Andersen IB, Bonnevie O, Jörgensen T, Sörensen TIA. Time trends for peptic ulcer disease in Denmark, 1981- 1993. Analysis of hospitalization register and mortality data. Scand J Gastroenterol 1998; 33: 260-6. 11. Tilvist RS, Vuoristo M, Varis K. Changed profile of peptic ulcer disease in hospita! patients during 1969-1984 in Finland. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987; 22: 1238-44. 12. Quartini A, Negri E, La Vecchia C. Trends in peptic ulcer mortality in Italy, 1955-1985. J Epidemiol Community Health 1992;46:494-7. 13. Gustavsson S, Kelly KA, Melton L, ZinsmeisterAR. Trends in peptic ulcer surgery. A population-based study in Rochester, Minnesota, 1956-1985. Gastroenterology 1988; 94: 688-94. 14. Gustavson S, Nyrén O. Time trends in peptic ulcer surgery, 1956 to 1986. A nation-wide survey in Sweden. Ann Surg 1989;210: 704-9. 15. Susser M. Period effects, generation effects and age effects in peptic ulcer mortality. J Chronic Dis 1982; 35: 29-40. 16. Statistics and Epidemiology Research Corp. EGRET. Seattle: Statistics and Epidemiology Research Corp. 1990. 17. Clayton D, Schifflers E. Models for temporal variation in cancer rates. I: Age-period and age-cohort models. Stat Med 1987;6:449-67. 18. Clayton D, Schifflers E. Models for temporal variation in cancer rates. II: Age-period-cohort models. Stat Med 1987; 6: 469-81. 19. Svanes C, Salvesen H, Espehaug B. A multifactorial analy- sis of factors related to lethality after treatment of perfora- ted gastroduodenal ulcer 1935-1985. Ann Surg 1989; 209: 418-23. 20. Thors H, Sigurðsson H, Oddson E, Þjóðleifsson B. Aðgerð- ir vegna sársjúkdóms í maga og skeifugöm. Læknablaðið 1994; 80: 179-84. 21. Hagskinna. Reykjavík: Hagstofa íslands 1997:90-1. 22. Friðriksson G. Saga Reykjavíkur. Bærinn vaknar. 1870- 1940. Reykjavík: Iðunn 1994. 23. Kristinsson K, Sigvaldadóttir E, Þjóðleifsson B. Algengi mótefna gegn Helicobacter pylori á fslandi. Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 366-70. 24. Eiríksson K, Oddsdóttir M, Magnússon J. Rofsár á maga og skeifugöm vegna sársjúkdóms. Sjúklingar á Landspítalan- um 1989-1995. Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 466-73. 25. Svanes C, Soreide JA Skarstein A, Fevang BT, Bakke P, Vollset SE, Svanes K, Söreide O. Smoking and ulcer per- foration. Gut 1997; 41: 177-80. 26. Eastwood GL. Is smoking still important in the pathogene- sis of peptic ulcer disease? J Clin Gastroenterrol 1997; 25/Suppl. 1: S1-S7.
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