Læknablaðið - 15.07.1999, Page 39
Fræðigreinar íslenskra lækna í erlendum tímaritum
Getið er fræðigreina og -ágripa. Sendið
heiti greinar, nöfn höfunda og birtingarstað
til Læknablaðsins. Miðað er við greinar sem
birst hafa á yfírstandandi og síðasta ári. Til
glöggvunar verður íslenskra höfunda getið
með fornafni þótt þess sé ekki getið við
* Karl Andersen, Norgaard B, Ravkilde J,
Abrahamsson P, Thygesen K, Dellborg M.
Continuous ST segment monitoring is more
powerful than serial measurement of Troponin
T in risk stratification ofpatients with unstable
coronary disease [abstract]. Eur Heart J 1997;
18: 124.
* Abrahamsson P, Dellborg M, Karl Ander-
sen. Prognostic value of maximum ST-vector
magnitude during the first 24 hours of vector-
cardiographic monitoring in patients with un-
stable angina pectoris [abstract]. Eur Heart J
1997; 18: 124.
* Oldgren J, Karl Andersen, Dellborg M,
Egberg N, Larsson G, Siegbahn A, Wallentin L.
Ischemiska episoder vid instabil kranskarls-
sjukdom ar relaterade till koagulationsaktivitet
[abstract]. Svenska Lákaresallskapets Riks-
stámma, Stockholm, Sweden 1997.
* Oldgren J, Karl Andersen, Dellborg M,
Egberg N, Larsson G, Siegbahn A, Wallentin L.
Ischemic episodes in unstable coronary synd-
romes are related to coagulation and fibrino-
lytic activity [abstract]. Circulation 1997; 96:
* Karl Andersen, Dellborg M. The impor-
tance of the electrocardiogram during the first
hours after hospital admission for unstable
coronary artery disease [abstract]. Resusci-
tation 1998; 37: S8 (1-28).
* Holmvang L, Karl Andersen, Dellborg M,
Clemmensen P, Wagner G, Grande P, Abra-
hamsson P. Relative contributions of a single
admission 12 lead ECG and 24 hours conti-
nuous electrocardiographic monitoring for
early risk stratification in patients with un-
stable coronary artery disease [abstract]. Eur
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* Holmvang L, Karl Andersen, Dellborg M,
Clemmensen P, Wagner G, Grande P, Abra-
hamsson P. Relative contributions of a single
admission 12 lead ECG and 24 hours con-
tinuous electrocardiographic monitoring for
early risk stratifiction in patients with unstable
coronary artery disease [abstract]. Inter-
national Society of Computerized Cardiology,
23rd annual meeting, Keystone, Colorado
USA, April 1998.
* Karl Andersen, Holmvang L, Grande P,
Norgaard BL, Thygesen K, Dellborg M. Early
risk stratification of patients with unstable
coronary disease based on cardiac Troponin T,
admission ECG and 24 hour ST-segment moni-
toring [abstract]. Scand Cardiovasc J 1999;
33/Suppl. 51: 19.
* Jón Magnús Kristjánsson, Guðmundur
Oddsson, Karl Andersen. Women undergoing
coronary angiography have less extensive co-
ronary artery disease than men, but a similar
cardiovascular death rate [abstract]. Scand
Cardiovasc J 1999; 33/Suppl. 51: 43.
* Jón Magnús Kristjánsson, Karl Ander-
sen. Improved one year survival after myo-
cardial infarction between 1986 and 1996 is
due to changes in medical therapy [abstract].
Scand Cardiovasc J 1999; 33/Suppl. 51: 43.
* Jón Magnús Kristjánsson, Karl Ander-
sen. Improved one year survival after acute
myocardial infarction between 1986 and 1996
[abstract]. Eur Heart J 1999.
* Karl Andersen, Holmvang L, Grande P,
Norgaard BL, Thygesen K, Dellborg M. Early
risk stratification of patients with unstable
coronary artery disease based on cardiac
troponin T, admission ECG and ST-segment
monitoring. Proposal of a risk score system
[abstract]. Eur Heart J 1999.
* Eriksson P, Karl Andersen, Swedberg K,
Dellborg M. Vectorcardiographic monitoring
of patients with acute myocardial infarction
and chronic bundle branch block. Eur Heart J
1997; 18: 1288-95.
* Dellborg M, Karl Andersen. Key factors
in the identification of the high-risk patient
with unstable coronary artery disease: clinical
findings, resting 12-lead ECG and continuous
electrocardiographic monitoring. Am J Cardiol
1997; 80: 35E-39E.
* Karl Andersen, Dellborg M. Heparin is
more effective than inogatran, a low-molecular
weight thrombin inhibitor in suppressing ische-