

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2007, Qupperneq 33

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2007, Qupperneq 33
UMRÆÐUR O G FRÉTTIR ALÞJÓÐAFÉLG LÆKNA íslendingar áfundi WMA í KaupmannahöfnJ.v.: Elín Ásta Hallgrímsson, Margrét Gunnarsdóttir, Birna Jónsdóttir, Gunnar Ármannsson, Jón Snædal, Guðrún Karlsdottir, Sigurbjorn Svemsson ogjóhann Björgvin Rúnarsson - ásamt Kgosi Letlape frá Suður-Afríku. í ræðu sinni sem nýr forseti á þá staðreynd að Alheimersjúkdómurinn fer nú sem eldur í sinu um Afríku og Asíulönd sem mörg hver höfðu ekki meldað hann sem heilsufarsvandamál, en hér má lesa ávarp hans: www.wma.net/e Siðfræði er og verður meginviðfangsefni Jóns einsog fram kemur hér: In his inaugural Presidential address at the WMA's annual General Assembly in Copenhagen, Dr Snaedal, a geriatrician from Iceland, said that when the WMA last year changed one word in its International Code of Medical Ethics from ,a physician shall always bear in mind the obligation to preserve human life' to ,a physician shall always bear in mind the obligation to respect human life', it reflected a fundamental change in physicians' way of thinking of their duties. ,Our abilities to treat our fellow human beings have vastly increased as we are now able to preserve life for a long time even if this life is without any obvious quality. There is a saying that life is a disease with 100 per cent mortality, a saying that medicalizes life itself. We have to acknowledge the fact that death is inevitable and that in its last phases it is of more value to the person to treat the symptoms rather than the disease. In this phase our obligation is thus to respect the patient rather than to preserve his life.' Jon Snædal meðfjölskyldu sinni, dætrunum Bertu Andreu til vinstri, Guðrúnu Katrínu með barnabarnið Snorra Nils ífanginu og eiginkonunni Guðrúnu Karlsdóttur. LÆKNAblaðið 2007/93 765
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