

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2007, Page 63

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2007, Page 63
UMRÆÐUR 0 G FRÉTTIR FYRIRLESTUR Egils Snorrasonar fyrirlesturinn 2007 „Skin Manifestations Depicted by the Greek Moulages“ Fyrirlesari: Anne-Marie Worm, MD, DMSci, AD Húð- og kynsjúkdómalæknir, Danmörku Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í Hringssal Barnaspítala Landspítala laugardaginn 17. nóvember kl.11.00 og er öllum opinn. Fyrirlesturinn er fluttur á ensku. The first dermatological wax moulages were made in the beginning of the 19th century at the time when dermatology and venereology were recognized as specific medical disciplines, but the vast majority were produced from 1870 to 1950. Moulages are unique three-dimensional coloured images of the diseased skin and therefore excellent for teaching purposes. The ‘A Sygros Hospital’ in Athens was founded as a specialised hospital for skin and venereal diseases in 1910. Professor G. Photinos, the first hospital director, managed to build up a museum with wax moulages after having captured the technique in Paris, London and especially in Berlin. In contrast to many other collections almost all moulages at the museum in Athens have been produced on location. The museum contains about 1.600 pieces many of which are relatively well preserved others are faded and broken. The first moulages are most likely prepared by the founder himself, but otherwise the majority of the moulages are produced and signed by the hospital mouleur K.M. Mitropoulos between 1911 and 1954. Some of the Greek moulages were presented in 1912 at the VII International Dermatological Conference in Rome and in 1987 at the XVII World Conference of Dermatology in Berlin but otherwise this huge collection has not been described in details previously and has only rarely been mentioned in the literature about moulages collections in Europe. Anne-Marie Worms er sérfræðingur í húð- og kynsjúkdómum, doktor í læknavísindum (Doctor of Medical Science) og með gráðu í lækn- isfræðilegri mannfræði. Hún hefur stundað rannsóknir á grískum vaxstyttum (Moulages) í Aþenu frá 2003-2007. Að fundi loknum eru kaffiveitingar í boði Félags áhugamanna um sögu læknisfræðinnar. Heimasíða Félags áhugamanna um sögu læknisfræðinnar: www.icemed.is/saga/ LÆKNAblaðið 2007/93 795



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