Iðnaðarmál - 01.02.1969, Blaðsíða 8

Iðnaðarmál - 01.02.1969, Blaðsíða 8
tional methods with particular reíer- ence to the fishing industry. Some New Idects in Fumiture Design p. 16 Packaging Design Competition pp. 17—20 Illustrated report by Stefán Snæ- björnsson Last year the Federation of Ice- landic Industries arranged a com- petition in packaging design. Mr. Snæbjörnsson reports on the results of this competition with pictures of the best designs and gives information about the evaluation rules of the selection committee. On the front page is a picture of a cardboard box for ceramic products. Right Man in the Right Place By Ingmund Ofstad pp. 21—23 This is the fourth and the last of series of articles by Mr. Ofstad under the heading ''People and Their Work Environment” written after a study visit to Sweden in March 1967. In this article Mr. Ofstad indicates that every third man may meet medical handi- caps in his work. He therefore imder- lines the necessity of finding the right place for each man through medical check-up and work study analysis. Pressing Rationalization Problems in Public Management pp. 24—26 By Leif H. Skare. Public services is a steadily grow- ing economic sector in every country and the number of people employed by the state and municipal authorities is growing. It is therefore urgent to rationalize and utilize modem technics like EDP, especially as ministerial procedures are usually based on rather conservative traditions. Mr. Skare reports on how these problems are now beeing solved in the Scandi- navian countries. The Management Corner: Manage- ment the Simple Way pp. 27—31 By Lawrence A. Appley, precident of the American Management Associa- tion. Translated reprint from American Management. Main Faults in Cost- and Price Calculation p. 31 Results of a Survey, arranged by an Austrian Insitute covering 3000 enterprices. Useful Novelties pp. 32—24 Production of Synthetic Building Stones Made Easy. House Wall Bicycle. New Application of Plastics. Testing of Heat Insulation in Plase. Skid-grips for Motor Cars. Partition Walls in 5 Minutes. Soimd Insulating for Partition Walls. New Expansion Bolts. To Hire the Right Man pp. 35—36 Humorous Series. Summary by Stefán Bjarnason



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