Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1971, Qupperneq 3

Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1971, Qupperneq 3
'Gnglislt summary VOL. 18 . NO. 4 . 1971 Sumxnary by Steíón Bjarnason IÐNÞRÓUNARSTOFNUN ÍSLANDS Industrial Development Institute oi Iceland Skipholt 37 . Reykjavík . Iceland Subscription: Icel. kr. 300/year The Deck Hands on the National Vessel p. 98 By Bjarni Kristjónsson, Headmaster of the Technical College of Iceland. Mr. Kristjcánsson compares the ear- ly national investment in higher edu- cation between intellectual groups and practical/technical training. He points out that in our technically ori- ented society it will not be enough to have the traditional learning as ballast and an intellectual flag ot the mast top if there are no deck hands on the national vessel. Industrial Development — U.N. Assistance p. 99 Leader by Sveinn Björnsson Prior to joining EFTA in 1970 Ice- land sought assistcmce from the Unit- ed Nations in connection with the pre- partation of a long range industrial development programme. This work is now under way and will be carried out during 1972. It is hoped thot this work will faciti- tate industrial policy making and pro- vide guidelines for an orderly deve- lopement of industry in the future. Industrial Branches in a Nutshell pp. 100—109 Extracts from Appraisal Reports by Stefón Bjarnason The Industrial Development Fund for Iceland, established by the Gov- ernments of the five Nordic countries in 1969 (Idnadarmól Vol. 17, 1970, pp. 27—28) sponsored and financed in 1971 surveys by Nordic experts of some branches of Icelandic industry in order to study their future pros- pects in relation to Icelands EFTA- membership. The investigations cov- ered the following branches: Textile and Apparel Industry Metal Industry Confectionary Industry Fumiture and Fixture Industry Furthermore studies were made of: Shipbuildíng Industry Canning Industry with the assistance of UNIDO-spon- sored experts. The findings of the experts are being studied and implementation of their recommendations has been ini- ticated in some cases. Pollution. still creates interest p. 110 A translation of a leader by Jens Led- gaard in Ingeniörens Ugeblad No. 37, 1971. DESIGN Icelandic Clothing Fair, Autumn 1971 pp. 111—112 A short illustrated report. Auglýsingaötofan Ltd. p. 113 An account of the activities of on Ice- landic advertising agency. Law oi the Export Board of Icelandic Industries pp. 115—117 An Act of Law for the Export Board of Icelandic Industries was passed by Althing on 18th Mctrch 1971:



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