Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1971, Síða 4

Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1971, Síða 4
Art. 1 An Export Board of Icelandic In- dustries shall be established for the purpose of promoting increased ex- ports of Icelandic industrial and manufactured goods. The founder members shall be the Federation of Icelandic Industries, the Federation of Icelandic Master-Craftsmen, the Fed- eration of Icelandic Cooperative So- cieties, the Ministry of Commerce cmd the Ministry of Industry on behalf of the Icelcmdic Government. Art. 2 The domicile and venue of the Ex- port Board of Icelandic Industries is in Reykjavík. Art. 3 It shall be the function of the Export Board of Icelandic Industries to pro- mote the export of Icelandic industrial and manufactured goods and to ren- der industry assistance, inter alia in the following wcrys: 1. By arranging publicity for Icelandic industrial and manufactured goods abroad, both by participation in trade fairs and by other means, and by fumishing information con- cerning Icelcmdic export industries. 2. By undertaking market research abroad for Icelandic industrial cmd manufacturing enterprises, and by providing information on marketing prospects cmd other matters per- taining to export sales. 3. By offering advice cmd guidance to industrial and mcmufacturing enterprises regarding exports cmd selling methods in foreign markets. 4. By planning the joint export sales promotion of industrial and manu- facturing enterprises cmd facilitating cooperation between them. 5. By drawing the attention of indust- rial and manufacturing enterprises to export possibilities cmd by en- couraging such enterprises to take advantage of them. 6. By acting as an intermediary in the sale of industrial cmd manufactured goods to other countries, and by the establishment of commercial cntacts in connexion with Icelandic industrial and mcmufactured goods. Art. 4 The Export Boctrd of Icelandic In- dustries shall be an independent institution with independent finances and accountcmcy. The Board of the Export Board of Icelandic Industries shall consist of six men selected for a period of four years at a time. Two of these shall be nominated by the Federation of Icelandic Industries, and one each shall be nominated by the Federa- tion of Icelandic Master-Craftsmen, the Federation of Icelandic Coopera- tive Societies, the Minister of Com- merce and the Minister of Industry. An equal number of deputies shall be nominated in the same mctnner. Nominations shall be submitted to the Ministry of Industry. The Minister of Industry shall appoint a Chairmcm and a Deputy Chairman from the members of the Board after nomina- tion by the Federation of Icelandic Industries, but in other respects the



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