Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1971, Side 33

Iðnaðarmál - 01.04.1971, Side 33
Board itself shall allocate the various fimctions among its members. The Board of the Export Board of Icelandic Industries shall appoint a General Mcmager and general stctff for the Institution for a specific period. Art. 5 The cost of operation of the Export Board of Icelandic Industries shall be defrayed by cmnual allocations from the Treasury cmd by contributions from other foimder members. In addi- tion, the Export Board of Icelandic Industries is cruthorized to claim fees from those parties that enjoy the benefit of its services. The Export Board of Icelandic Industries is ex- empt from the payment of public taxes and rates to the State Treasury and to the Municipal Authorities. Ar. 6 Detailed provisions concerning the orgcmization cmd activities of the Ex- port Board of Icelcmdic Industries shall be inserted in a Charter to be ratified by a Minister. Art. 7 This Act shall take effect immedia- tely. Technical College oí Iceland pp. 118—120 by Bjarni Kristjónsson A report on the foundation (1964) and scope of the Technical College of Iceland, the need for college train- ed technicicms, the program of the school, its place in the overall educa- tional system of Iceland. This is fol- lowed by a register of all graduates from the school in 1967—1971. Metol Welding Faults pp. 121—123 By Gunnar Bryjnólfsson An informative report on faults in metal welding, their causes, detection cmd preventive measures. The Management Corner: Employee Selection pp. 124—125 A trcmslation of cm article by Edward C. Adler in Personnel Joumal, Vol. 50, No. 9, 1971. Technicians and Their Training p. 126 A short contribution by Bjami Krist- jónsson headmaster of the Technical College of Iceland into the discussion on categories of technicians cmd their training on practical cmd academic levels. Useful Novelties p. 127 Shock Absorbers on Trucks Foam Plastics Against Fuel Pollu- tion. Back Cover p. 128 Some designs by Timo Sarpaneva of Finlcmd.



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