Bókasafnið - 01.09.2009, Blaðsíða 9
Hægt er að fá frekari upplýsingar um starfsemi NORSLIS á
vefsíðu samstarfsnetsins: www.norslis.net.
Háskóli Íslands (2006). Stefna Háskóla Íslands 2006-2011. Aðgengilegt frá
www.hi.is/is/skolinn/stefna_2006_2011. Sótt 9. janúar 2009.
Háskóli Íslands (2009). Skráðir nemendur 2008 – 2009: Heildartölur.
Aðgengileg frá www.hi.is/is/skolinn/skradir_nemendur_2008_2009_
heildartolur_1. Sótt 9. janúar 2009.
Landsbókasafn Íslands – Háskólabókasafn (2009). Skrá um
doktorsritgerðir Íslendinga. Aðgengileg frá doktor.bok.hi.is/index.
php. Sótt 12. mars 2009.
Lepik, A. (2005). The Nordic-Baltic cooperation in doctoral education: the
case of NORSLIS. Í: Libraries - a voyage of discovery. Proceedings of
the 71th IFLA General Conference and Council. August 14-18, 2005,
Oslo, Norway. Aðgengilegt frá
www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/052e-Lepik.pdf. Sótt 9. janúar 2009.
NORSLIS (2009a). Aðgengilegt frá www.norslis.net. Sótt 9. janúar 2009.
NORSLIS (2009b). Organization of the Research School. Aðgengilegt frá
www.norslis.net. Sótt 9. janúar 2009.
NORSLIS (2009c). Vision and guidelines. Aðgengilegt frá www.norslis.net.
Sótt 9. janúar 2009.
NORSLIS - Cooperation about doctoral studies in library
and information science in the Nordic Countries and the
Baltic States.
Formal education, particularly academic education on a
graduate level, has increasingly gained importance in the
past years. The article starts by discussing briefly the policies
and goals of the University of Iceland regarding doctoral
education. The cooperation about a joint doctoral educational
program among the Nordic and Baltic educational institutions
is described. The cooperation between the Nordic educational
institutions started in 1998 with NordIS-Net (Nordic
Information Studies Research Education NETwork) which was
financed from 1998 to 2002 by Norfa. A new network, NORSLIS
(Nordic Research School in Library and Information Science),
started in 2004 between 14 Nordic and Baltic educational
institutions and with a financial support from NordForsk from
2004 to 2008. By collecting the scattered scientific expertise
in educational institutions, which are often small-size, the
cooperation has succeeded in raising the quality levels
of doctoral education in library and information science.
NORSLIS has no longer financial support from NordForsk but
the 14 educational institutions which have formed NORSLIS
have decided to continue the cooperation and a new Research
School, NORSLIS (NORdic research SchooL in Information
Studies), has been formally established. Two doctoral
workshops will be offered in the autumn 2009, Theories
in Information Science and Methodologies and Research
Methods in Information Studies. It has, furthermore, been
decided to offer the educational program also to doctoral
students in other disciplines.
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