

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2009, Side 36

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2009, Side 36
Náttúrufræðingurinn 100 Heim ild ir Guðmundur Kjartansson 1954. Hraunin kring um Hafnarfjörð. Þjóðviljinn, 1. jólablað. 10–12. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1973. Aldur Búrfellshrauns við Hafnarfjörð. 2. Náttúrufræðingurinn 42. 159–183. Árni Hjartarson & Ingibjörg Kaldal 2007. Urriðavöllur. Verndargildi 3. minja í Urriðavatnsdölum. ÍSOR-2007/007. Helgi Torfason, Árni Hjartarson, Jón Jónsson & Kristján Sæmundsson 4. 1993. Berggrunnskort, Elliðavatn 16134 III-SV-B. Jón Jónsson 1978. Jarðfræðikort af Reykjanesskaga. Orkustofnun, OS-5. JHD 7831. Stuvier, M. & Reimer, P.J. 1993. Extended 14C database and revised 6. CALIB radiocarbon calibration program. Radiocarbon 35. 215–230. Thushingham, A.M. & Peltier, W.R. 1991. Ice-3G: A new Global Model 7. Of Late Pleistocene Deglaciation Based upon Geophysical Predictions of Post-Glacial Relative Sea Level Change. Journal og Geophysical Research 96. 4497–4523. Björn Hróarsson 1990. Hraunhellar á Íslandi. Mál og menning, Reykja-8. vík 1990. 174 bls. Björn Hróarsson 2006. Íslenskir hellar. Vaka-Helgafell/Edda útgáfa, 9. Reykjavík 2006. 672 bls. Guðlaugur Rúnar Guðmundsson 2001. Örnefni og leiðir í landi Garða-10. bæjar. Safn til sögu Garðabæjar III. Garðabær 2001. Íslenskt fornbréfasafn IV. Bls. 11711. Garðabær, byggð milli hrauns og hlíða. 49 bls.12. Ragnheiður Traustadóttir & Rúna Knútsdóttir Tetzchner 2005. Forn-13. leifaskráning vegna deiliskipulags á Urriðaholti í Garðabæ. Byggðasafn Skagfirðinga – Rannsóknarskýrslur 2005/40. Um höfundinn Árni Hjartarson (f. 1949) lauk B.Sc-prófi í jarðfræði frá Háskóla Íslands 1974, M.Sc.-prófi í vatnajarðfræði frá sama skóla 1994 og Ph.D.-prófi frá Kaupmannahafnar- háskóla 2004. Hann hefur starfað sem sérfræðingur hjá Orkustofnun og starfar nú hjá Íslenskum orkurann- sóknum. Póst- og netfang höfundar/Author’s address Árni Hjartarson Íslenskar orkurannsóknir/Iceland Geosurvey Grensásvegi 9 IS-108 Reykjavík Arni.Hjartarson@isor.is Summary The Búrfellshraun lava and the caves of St. Mary Búrfellshraun lava near Hafnarfjörður SW-Iceland was erupted 8000 years ago (~6000 BC) from the cinder cone Búrfell (Table 1). The crater is located near the eastern border of a shallow rift valley belonging to the Trölladyngja volcanic rift system. It is only 7 km from the cen- tre of Hafnarfjörður town. The lava is olivine tholeiitic with prominent phen- ocrysts of feldspar and olivine. The eruption can be divided into four phases (fig. 2). I. The lavas from the initial phase are entirely covered by younger lavas but can be found in boreholes and small exposures near Straumsvík. From the crater it flowed along the rift valley towards SW. Then it left the valley and entered the shore near Straumsvík. II. In the second phase the lava found its way between the hillocks SW of Hafnarfjörður and entered the shore were the harbour is now. Part of this lava tongue is covered by lavas from phase 4. III. The lava from this phase is mostly visible at the surface. When the lava had filled up the rift valley it found a new course towards the shore just NW of the crater and covered the coastal area around Hafnarfjörður harbour. During this phase the lava channel of Búrfellsgjá and related lava tubes were developed. IV. In the final phase small lava fields around the crater were formed along with the lava channel Kringlóttagjá. Maríuhellar, the caves of St. Mary, are the best known of many caves in Búrfellshraun (Table 2). They have been developed in the same lava tube that has collapsed in two places to form three individual caves (fig. 5). In earlier times they were used as shelter for sheep. In the last decades the fourth member has been added to the group, a single lava shelter in the neighbourhood that has got the name Jósefshellir, St. Joseph’s Cave. The reason for the name of Maríuhellar is probably that in the middle ages the caves were owned by the church and monastery of Viðey, which were dedicated to the holy moth- er of God.



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