
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 3

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 3
> Sö O . 6' 9 • JOKULL Á R S R I T KLARAN N SÓ KNAFÉ LAGS ÍSLANDS TRAUSTI EINARSSON1: Late- and Post-glacial Rise in Iceland and Sub-crustal Viscosity It has been known for some time that the rise of Iceland at the end of the Last Ice Age was relatively rapid, when compared with the rise of Scandinavia, being largely completed in a few thousand years. On this basis I have made the rough estimate that subcrustal vis- cosity for Iceland is one order of magnitude iess than that for Scandinavia (Einarsson 1953). As the value found for Iceland is probably representative for a considerable part of the Middle Atlantic Ridge, emphasis should be laid on obtaining this value with more certainty. A new approach has been rnade possible through a number of new data. The procedure in the present paper is aimed at finding a relative value, with Scandinavia as a standard. At the same time a general picture of the rise in Ice- lancl is obtained. The relative value of viscosity now found 1) Faculty of Engineering, University of Ice- land, Revkjavík. for Iceland is a iittle less than one tenth, i.e. close to the earlier estimate. In a first section we consider generally the changes of sea-fevel in unglaciated areas. Then we summarize relevant facts about Scandinavia, and finaliy discuss the Icelandic material and compare it with the Scandinavian one, Re- marks on glacial sea-levef in the Faeroe Islands are added. 1. UNGLACIATED AREAS. The rise of late- and post-glacial sea-fevel relative to coasts far awav from the glaciated regions has been studied by many authors. We shall use here data given by Fairbridge (1960, 1961), curve Si in Fig. 2, and for comparison data by Godwin et. al. (1958), curve S2 in the same figure. In connection with the application of such curves, it is necessary to consider the possible isostatic movements of the ocean floor and Ura&ÍASAFIt p 5 n n 9 L. II i l i & fSUt'L’ JÖKULL 157
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