
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 44

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 44
gratefully the sponsorship of the State Electri- cit.y Authority. The authors also acknoiuledge gratefully the assistance given by Mr. Keh-Gojig Shih in the computation work which tuas parlially support- ed by the U. S. Office of Naval Research under contract Nonr 1286(10). REFERENCES Grange, L. I. 1955. N. Z. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Reasearch, Bulletin, 117. Belin, R. E. and Knox, F. B. 1955. N. Z. Jl. Sci. and Tech. Vol. 37, 3, p. 385, “The Estima- tion of the Distribution and Quantity of Water in Two-Phase Steam Water Systems.” Belin, R. E. and Bainbridge, A. E. 1957. Proc. I. Mech. E. Vol. 171, p. 967, “Estimation of Dryness Fraction and Mass Discharge of Geothermal Bores.” Banwell, C. J. 1957. Trans. A.S.M.E. Vol. 79, p. 269, “Flow Sampling and Discharge Mea- surement in Geothermal Bores.” Ryley, D. J. 1964. Int. Jl. Mech. Sci. Vol. 6, p. 273, “Two Phase Critical Flow in Geo- thermal Steanr Wells.” (Appendix). Kozlov, B. K. 1954. Zhurnal Teknicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 24, p. 2285, “Forms of Flow of Gas-Liquid Mixtures and their Stability Limits in Vertical Tubes.” Baker, O. 1954. Oil Gas J. Vol. 53, 12, p. 185, “Simultaneous Flow of Oil and Gas.” Smith, J. H. 1958. N. Z. Engng. 13, 354, “Pro- duction and Utilisation of Geothermal Steam.” James, R. 1962. Proc. I. Mech. E. Vol. 176, 26, p. 741, “Steam-Water Critical Flow through Pipes.” Isbin, H. S., Moy, J. E. and da Cruz, A. J. R. 1957. Jl. A.I. Chenr. E„ Vol. 3, 3, p. 361, “Two Phase, Steam-Water Critical Flow.” Linning, D. L. 1952/3. Proc. I. Mech. E. IB, 64—75, “The Adiabatic Flow of Evaporat- ing Fluids in Pipes of Uniform Bore.” Martinelli, R. O. and Lockhart, R. W. 1949. Chem. Eng. Prog. 45, p. 39, “Proposed Cor- relation of Data for Isothermal Two-Phase, Two-component Flow in Pipes.” Fauske, H. K. 1962. Thesis University of Chi- cago ANL - 6633, “Contribution to the Theory of Two-Phase, One-Component Critical Flow.” Cruver, J. E. 1963. Thesis, University of Wash- ington, “Metastable Critical Flow of Steam- Water Mixtures.” NOTATION pipe diameter pressure specific enthalpy latent heat of vaporization specific volume mass flow dryness fraction velocity density flow area mass flux mass flow (total) mass flow (vapour) mass flow (liquid) void fraction length along duct slip ratio specific entropy Froude number specific kinetic energy energy conversion efficiency in expansion factor defined in equation (25) factor defined in equation (30) flow coefficient defined in equa- tion (34) factors defined in equation (35) gravitational constant Newtonian constant Joule’s equivalent specific heat expansion exponent SUBSCRIPTS f saturated liquid g saturated vapour o reservoir condition 1 initial condition 2 final condition p polytropic c critical m equilibrium mixture v based on volumetric flow See also additional notation in Fig. 3 D P h r v x V e A w G G' L Rg 1 K = Vg/Vf S Fr E e a b cp s, t g go J c n 198 JÖKULL
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