
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 32

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 32
for the discrepancy in the vapour data is not known with certainty, but it is believed that there are two contributing causes. (a) There is a failure to attain complete se- paration and some entrained and subdivid- ed liquid is being discharged through the vapour orifices. The entrained liquid in- creases the flow resistance and the pressure drop through the orifice. (b) The pressure ratio across tlie orifices for large well-head valve openings was smaller than is usually recommended and approach- ed the critical value. Compressibility factors are not available for low pressure ratios, and values were obtained by linear extra- polation of the curve of existing values. It is believed that minor modifications to this plant would rnake its performance more accurate, but in view of its great size and weight, the question arises as to whether a simpler rnethod of flow assessment might not be devised. Summing up, therefore, one may say that the flow measurement methods used to date both in Iceland and New Zealand are based mainly on traditional and well-tried ideas. In view, however, of the great efflux quantities to be handled and the inconvenience of orthodox plants, an accurate simplified method of flow prediction would be welcome. The most promis- ing approach would seem to be one which exploits recently acquired knowledge concern- ing the manner of association of the phases within the flow. THE PRESENT STATUS OF TWO-PHASE CRITICAL ELOW STUDIES The present decade has seen an intense and widespread research effort directed towards understanding the flow behaviour of water/ steam mixture in pipes. Much of this work has been on vertical upward flow and has been directed towards the understanding of heat transfer, critical flow and “burn-out” pheno- mena in the context of the nuclear reactor. In many cases attention has been focussed upon the exit regime in the flow from the open ends of a cyclindrical pipe. Is has been found, as in the case of a perfect gas, that if the back pressure is progressively lowered, the mixed flow attains a maximum discharge at a given pressure ratio, and becomes independent of the back pressure for smaller values of this ratio. The conditions governing this critical flow are much more complex than those operative in the single phase perfect gas case, and depend, among other things, upon the physical mode of association between the liquid and the vapour as the exit is approached and passed. Investigators have observed and classified a number of modes of association ("models”) be- tween the phases. Briefly they comprise bubble flow, slug flow, annular flow, annular flow with core entrainment and mist. flow, the list being in order of increasing dryness fraction. It is clear that laboratory studies made of two- phase critical flow from open-ended vertical ducts are applicable to the geothermal well, since it is readily possible to surmount any bore by a straight vertical extension pipe. It is also tempting to entertain the possibilitv that, in such case, suitable measurements, e.g. bore diameter, static pressure profile at exit and base temperature in the hydrothermal flow, might enable the mass discharge to be found directly. In such a case, flow measurement from a given well would merelv necessitate the trans- port, fitting and use of a portable “instrument pipe extension”. APPLICATION OF TWO-PHASE CRITICAL FLOW STUDIES TO THE GEOTHERMAL WELL (a) Flow Regime There is as yet no unanimity concerning the groups of physical factors which promote a given type of phase association. A number of investigators have, however, suggested flow pat- tern diagrams. Two such may be mentioned here; those due respectively to Kozlov (1954) and Baker (1954). Kozlov plotted the instant- aneous volumetric dryness fraction (“void frac- tion”), xv, against the Froude Number Fr = Vm2/gD where Vm is the effective homogeneous equilibriunr mixture velocity, and D is the pipe diameter. On the basis of experimental results available for slug flow he divided the diagram into regions defining slug flow, bubble flow and annular/mist flow. Baker presented a much nrore sophisticated 186 JÖKULL
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