
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 13

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 13
TRAUSTI EINARSSON: Physical Aspects of Sub-glacial Eruptions For many years there has been mucli refer- ence in the literature to the supposed para- mount role of sub-glacial eruptions in the pro- duction of the great masses of fragmental, largely glassy basaltic rocks in Iceland. There- by the physical conditions in such eruptions have not been given much attention, and it has been tentatively assumed that a sub-glacial eruption is a simple and obvious process: the heat of the extruded Iava goes to melt the over- lying ice, until eventually a wide gap through the ice, often many kilometres in diameter, has been formed, even by an ice thickness of 400— 500 m or more. Table-mountains in Iceland are claimed to have been formed in this way (cf. Kjartansson 1966), the topmost lava cap being due to sub-aerial extrusion after the pile of pillow lavas, breccias and tuffs had penetrat- ed the ice-cap and formed a dry surface. This theory of the table-mountains can in a number of instances be refuted, as it is found (Einarsson 1962) that these mountain are made up of flat-lying layers of fluviatile sediments alternating with lavas up to middle height. In some cases the lavas form groups of alternating magnetic polarity and thus cover a wide range in time. In these cases of quite typical table- mountains we are obviously concerned with isolated parts of much more extended strata — either due to erosion or, which in other cases can be demonstrated, due to local uplift. On the other hand there exist in Iceland several low and flat ridges that by field evid- ence are very likely to have been formed under an ice-cap, and several isolated hills may also belong to this category. As examples of ridges may be mentioned Draugahlíðar near Jósefs- dalur and Dráttarhlíð at the river Sog. In a country of dominant fissure eruptions the elongated ridge is a likely result of sub- glacial eruptions. For whereas in a sub-aerial fissure eruption the lava extrusion soon be- comes concentrated at individual points along the fissure, the resistance of the ice-cover against extrusion raises the lava pressure in the fissure, the lava penetrates into all avail- able parts of the fissure and finally meets the ice all along the fissure. To understand how, after such an initial phase, a linear or point eruption under an ice-cap will proceed further, it must be realized that two phvsical factors now become import- ant: 1) the melting of ice and quenching of lava by meltwater, 2) the pressure of the over- lying ice-cap. If the extrusion of the lava were slow and if the heat of the extruded lava were wholly used for melting of ice, it is easily found that the volume of ice melted would be 6—7 times that of the lava; that thereby a 5 km wide hole through a 500 m thick ice-cap would be a natural outcome is another matter which we shall leave for the moment. But the point to be made is that in fissure eruptions the lava output is usually great in the beginning. In that case, and probably generally, there would be insufficient time to create space for the lava bv melting and draining of the meltwater, and the pressure of the covering ice would becorne an important factor. We are therefore concern- ed with the capabilitv of the lava to lift the ice cover, and we shall see that this may be remarkably small. From what was said above about the initial stage of a sub-glacial eruption, and taking into account the two examples of supposed sub- glacial ridges, we envisage a ridge, a few tens of metres thick and a few hundred metres Fig. 1. Schematic section through a sub-glacial- ly formed volcanic ridge, a few tens of metres high. 1. mynd. Skýringarmynd af hrygg, nokkrum tuga metra háum, sem myndazt hefur við gos undir jökli. JÖKULL 167
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