
Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 47

Jökull - 01.12.1966, Blaðsíða 47
Surface 7777Z%ZZmzm77777777///////7777777 inflow T. =0 - permeable contact ►outflow identical, that is, the primary source rock is located just below the thermal areas. There are substantial indications that a con- siderable impedance to the upward flow exists in the upper few hundred meters of the geo- thermal areas. This impedance is caused by the precipitation of calcite and silica in the flow channels. Boreholes lower the outlet im- pedance and thus can increase the overall circulation in the hydrothermal system. More water flows through the primary source rock, and more heat is absorbed. Moreover, boreholes will reduce the internal pressure in the thenna] areas and thus may initiate an inflow of water through the secondary source rock. The cold ground-water encroaching on the thermal areas has a higher density than the hot thermal water and therefore exerts a pressure on the svstems. As the internal pressure is lowered, the water will flow through the secondary source rock toward the boreholes. This secondary circula- tion takes up heat from the secondary source rock and make this lieat available for utiliza- tion. The process is apparently of considerable importance in many thermal areas under ex- ploitation. (2.2) The heating of the circulating water. The most important process in a hydrothermal system is the heating of the circulating water as it flows through the source rock. Two rather distinct mechanisms, depending on the nature of the source rock, have been recognized. In fractured and/or layered igneous rock or lime- stone the contact area between the water and the rock is relatively small, ancl the heating mechanism is dependent on heat conduction over relatively large distances. In clastic sedi- ments, on the other hand, the water flows around the small grains. The contact area is very great, and the heat exchange between rock and water is locally very rapid. The implications of these processes have been dis- cussed elsewhere by the author (Bodvarsson, 1963). Igneous rock is the most common tvpe of source rock. In fact, in Iceland flood basalts composed of a very great number of horizontal or almost horizontal basaltic lava flows is the only known type of source rock. The water flows at the scoriaceous contacts of the lava beds, and it appears that only a very few con- tacts have a substantial permeability. Fig. 2 In many cases these circumstances allow us to base our studies of the heating process on a rather simple model (See Fig. 2). Suppose that we have a thick pile of flood basalts com- posed of a great number of lava beds. We will assume that the pile is initially imperme- able and that its lower section has a uniform temperature T0. This temperature may simply be the normal temperature at the depth of the section, or it may partially be the result of some recent intrusions in the neighborhood. We will now assume that one lava contact of a great horizontal area is opened suddenly in the lower section of the pile, and that water can flow into the pile through the narrow space between the two adjacent lava-beds. Moreover, we will assume that the front of this narrow opening is quite long, and that the length of the contact in the direction of flow is L. For simplicity we will assume that the water entering the contact has a uniform temperature equal to zero, and that the inflow per unit length is constant in space and time. Upon entering the permeable contact, the water is heated by the conduction of heat from the adjacent rock. On the basis of heat conduction theory it is quite easy to derive the temperature of the water at the lower end of the system, that is, when the water has pass- ed through the contact. This model bas been dicussed elsewhere (Bodvarsson, 1963) by the author, and the result is: I i. = "I'0 erl(u), (1) where erf(u) is the error-function and u = \/kcot/qs, JÖKULL 201
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