
Jökull - 01.12.1990, Side 71

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Side 71
During the Early Preboreal Chronozone mountain and valley glaciers in the tributary valleys advanced and reached out to the main valley of Flateyjardalur and left there terminal moraines and fluvioglacial de- posits (Norðdahl, 1990; 1991). One of these is the moraine in front of the twin tributary valley Brettings- staðadalir, which belongs to the Langhóll glacier ad- vance (Norðdahl, 1979; 1991). In the basin that formed behind these terminal landforms (Fig. 2) or- ganic sediments accumulated, at first diatom-rich gyt- tja, but later on peat. The present paper deals with a pollen analytical study on the lower part of these organic strata, thus representing a continuation of the environmental his- tory described by Norðdahl (1979; 1983; 1990; 1991). His contribution includes investigations on the Weich- selian glaciation in central North Iceland, terminating at the Langhóll-Ljósavatn glacier advance in early Pre- boreal time in the Fnjóskadalur Sequence, the strati- graphical column for central North Iceland (Norðdahl, 1983; 1990). The present study is dealing with the dis- continuous vegetation cover some 9650 B.P. up to the first signs of a woodland formation 7000 B.P. field work and methods Coring in Krosshólsmýri, a former small lake, but now overgrown by mire vegetation, was carried °ut by Hreggviður Norðdahl and Guðmundur Hjalta- son in summer 1977. The geographical location is 66o05'55"N and 17°54'20/,W, altitude approximately 25 m a.s.l. (Fig. 2). The coring was done with a peat sampler of a Russian type of 5 cm diameter and 50 cm length (c/. Jowsey, 1966). The sediment description and subsampling for pollen and radiocarbon analysis was done in the lab- oratory and only for that part of the sequence which was taken for analysis. The characterization system °f Troels-Smith (1955) was used. Another sediment sequence from an earlier coring at almost the same locality was described in the field and subsequently published in Norðdahl 1979 (p. 10, site 2). The lowest part of that sequence was ignited. The loss on ignition was about 3% in the deepest sam- Ple rising up to 20-26% 50 cm higher up in the core (Norðdahl, pers. comm.). POLLEN ANALYSIS Quantitative pollen samples were processed by standard methods, including warm HF treatment (e.g. altemative A in Berglund and Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, 1986). Stockmarr’s Lycopodium spore tablets were used to determine the pollen concentration (Stock- marr, 1971). The dosage was one tablet (12500±100 spores) per cm3 of fresh sediment. Whole slides were counted, to avoid the effects of any nonrandom dis- tribution of pollen and spores on the slide. Two to four slides had to be counted to get reliable number of pollen. The total number of terrestrial pollen grains counted and included in JjA ranges from 160 to 500 per sample. The pollen-percentage diagram is constructed using ^TA for the main part but ^ ,4 ± B ... K is used for the taxa excluded from /jA, i.e. spores of pteridiophytes [B] and Sphagnum [E], pollen of aquatic plants [C], telmatophytes [D], unidentified and exotic plants [G] (i.e. trees, which have not lived in Iceland since the Tertiary and or Lower Quater- nary Period). Counts of the algae Pediastrum [K] are given in the same way. The PC program POLLDATA by H. J. B. Birks (1989) of the Botanical Institute in Bergen was used for construction of the diagrams. I4C DATINGS Five cm of the diatom-gyttja were taken from the core at two levels, 555-560 and 522,5-527,5 cm for radiocarbon dating. These two samples were submit- ted to the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at the De- partment of Quatemary Geology in Lund in Sweden (Norðdahl, 1979). One of the samples was treated with HCl. Both had to be diluted with CO2 from anthracite to allow dating. The <513C value of the samples was measured and a normalization due to isotopic fraction- ation performed. The calculation of the radiocarbon age is based on a half-life of 5568 years for 14C. The results are given as the number of years before 1950 and are not corrected for the secular 14C/12C varia- tions. The dates are published in the official dating list of the laboratory (Hakansson, 1979; 1983). When comparing the present results with datings from the period before 1970, some precaution must be JÖKULL,No. 40, 1990 69
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