
Jökull - 01.12.1990, Side 97

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Side 97
arfjörður and Hvalfjörður regions, W-Iceland and on Melrakkaslétta in N-Iceland. These sediments demon- strate that at that time (Bölling) the climate had im- proved considerably so that parts of Iceland were ice- free and due to melting of glaciers the sea level had nsen and transgressed on land that was left suppressed by the weight of the glaciers. Alleröd-age marine sed- iments from the Reykjavík region, Hvalfjörður and Borgarfjörður demonstrate further improvement of the climate. No marine sediments have however been ob- served with certainty of Younger Dryas age, despite considerable search. The lack of shells from that time mdicate severe glaciation of the country in the Younger Dryas period. In addition to this evidence for the Late Weichselian oscillations, é180 measurements on shells from late glacial sediments of known age in S and W Iceland suggest similar temperature-pattem to that re- vealed by the isotopic composition of the Greenland ice and the lake sediments from Switzerland. acknowledgement Radiocarbon dating projects are currently in progress in cooperation with Jan Heinemeier and Niels Rud at the tandem accelerator laboratory, University °f Aarhus. We thank them for allowing us to use un- published data on Icelandic molluscs. Some of the ra- diocarbon dates are parts of projects done in coopera- tion with Icelandic geologists Ámi Hjartarson, Áslaug Geirsdóttir, Hreggviður Norðdahl and Jón Eiríksson. We acknowledge the use of this data for the purpose °f the present paper. We would also like to thank Karl Grönvold at the Nordic Volcanological Institute and Jón Eiríksson at the Science Institute, University of Iceland, for critically reading the manuscript and for utany valuable suggestions. REFERENCES Andersen, G. J., J. Heinemeier, H. L. Nielsen, N. Rud, M. S. Thomsen, S. J. Johnsen, Á. E. Svein- bjömsdóttir and Á. Hjartarson 1989. AMS 14C dating on the Fossvogur sediments, Iceland. Ra- diocarbon 31,592-600. Broecker, W. S. and G. H. Denton 1989. The role of ocean-atmosphere reorganizations in glacial cycles. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2465- 2501. Boyle, E. A. 1988. Cadmium chemical tracer of deep- water. Paleoceanography 3, 471-489. Boyle, E. A. and L. Keigwin 1987. North Atlantic thermohaline circulation during the past 20,000 years linked to high-latitude surface temperature. Nature 330, 35-40. Craig, H. 1961. Isotopic variations in meteoric water. Science 133,1702-1703. Craig, H. 1965. The measurement of oxygen isotope paleotemperatures. Proc. Spoleto Conference on stable isotopes in oceanographic studies and pa- leotemperatures 3. Dansgaard, W. 1964. Stable isotopes in precipitation. Tellus 16, 436-468. Dansgaard, W., S. J. Johnsen, H. B. Clausen and N. Gundestrup 1973. Stable isotope glaciology. Meddelelser om Grönland 197, 1-53. Dansgaard, W., H. B. Clausen, N. Gundestrup, C. U. Hammer, S. J. Johnsen, P. M. Kristinsdóttir and N. Reeh 1982. A new Greenland deep ice core. Science 218,1273-1277. Dansgaard, W., H. B. Clausen, N. Gundestrup, S. J. Johnsen and C. Rygner 1985. Dating and Climatic interpretations of two deep Greenland ice cores. In: Greenland Ice Core: Geophysics, Geochem- istry, and the Environment (eds. C. C. Langway, Jr., H. Oeschger, and W. Dansgaard). Am. Geo- phys. Union, Geophys. Monograph 33, 71-76. Dansgaard, W., S. J. Johnsen, H. B. Clausen, D. Dahl-Jensen, N. Gundestrup, C. U. Hammer and H. Oeschger 1984. North Atlantic climatic oscil- lations revealed by deep Greenland ice cores. In: Climate Processes and Climate Sensitivity (eds. J. E. Hansen and T. Takahashi). Am. Geophys. Union, Geophys. Monograph 29, Maurice Ew- ing Series 5, 288-298. Dansgaard, W., J. W. C. White and S. J. Johnsen 1989. The abrupt termination of the Younger Dryas cli- mate event. Nature 339, 532-534. Duplessy, J. C., N. J. Shackleton, R. G. Fairbanks, L. Labeyrie, D. Oppo and N. Kallel 1988. Deep- water source variations during the last climatic JÖKULL, No. 40, 1990 93
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