
Jökull - 01.12.1990, Síða 126

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Síða 126
Figure 3. Hydrological regime of glacial ground- water. Explanations: 1) Directly measured values. 2) Variously estimated values. 3) Values calculated from other factors. D: Surfacial runoff. E: Evapotranspiration. F: River flow. G: Groundwater. I: Infiltration. P: Precipitation. a: ”Abyssal“. f: Fluvial. g: Glacial. t: (Sub-)terranean. A: Change in balance. — Vatnabúskapur jarðvatns frá jökulsvœðum. Skýringar. 1) Mœld gildi. 2) Gildi metin með ýmsu móti. 3) Gildi reiknuð út frá öðrum þáttum. D: Afrennsli á yfirborði. E: Raungufun. F: Árrennsli. I: írennsli. P: Úrkoma. a: I djúpum jarðar. f: Fallvatnarennsli. g: Af jökulrœnum toga. t: Neðanjarðar. A : Forðabreytingar. linear, horizontal orientation. The lava fields are es- sentially horizontal and very extensive at the surface, but shallow in depth. These differences might be seen in the quantity of the water as well as in its properties, thus giving some clues to its origin. HYDROLOGICAL REGIME OF THE GLACIAL GROUNDWATER The infiltration of groundwater from the glaciers can be assessed with the help of measured or estimated values for the miscellaneous factors of the groundwa- ter regime (Fig. 3). Of these only the flow of rivers and the discharge of springs are measured directly. The precipitation on the glaciers and in the glacial groundwaterbasins must be estimated from measurements at meteorological stations in the lowlands and some few totalisers in the highlands (Veðráttan, 1989) (Fig. 4). The distances from the meteorological stations and the size of the probable error in the measurement of the precipitation (Sigurðsson, 1990/1987) renders the estimate of the precipitation on the glaciers rather in- accurate (Einarsson, 1988). This can to some degree be helped off by the measurements of the snowcover on the glaciers, which the Glaciological Society has for some decades carried out regularly on Vatnajökull, especially at Grímsvötn, (Bjömsson, 1985) and the systematical measurements shortly started by NEA on Hofsjökull. (Sigurðsson, 1988). Sofar these investi- gations have yielded valuable potential correctives for the calculated or estimated distribution of precipita- tion. Yet at present not enough data have been col- lected to allow any exact estimates of the groundwater infiltration as a rest member after the subtraction of the surficial runoff. Still less is known about the short term changes in the hydrological balance of the glaciers. The reg- istration of the position of many glacier snouts by the Glaciologial Society during the latest decades gives very valuable hints but hardly a quantitative estimate (Sigurðsson, 1989). The above mentioned observa- tions and the investigations carried out with the ISSJA (”íssjá“ is the Icelandic name for a radio echo sounding equipment, developed by H. Björnsson and his collab- orators and used with great success on the Icelandic glaciers, literally meaning ”glacioscope“) in the later years on the Hofsjökull and the western Vatnajökull glaciers (Björnsson 1988) have demonstrated that the balance could, at least technically, be calculated from direct measurements, so that it is only a question of appropriate means, how densely this can be done in time and space, but on this density rests the accuracy of the calculated changes. A factoral analysis of the flow of the glacial and springfed rivers originating in the glacial groundwater basins, which takes into account hydrogeological, me- teorological and other natural conditions, would cer- tainly ascertain the weight of the groundwater com- ponent, and even, when if indirectly, the role of the glacial groundwater in that factor. This requires a thorough knowledge of the areas in question and is a 122 JÖKULL, No. 40, 1990
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