
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Qupperneq 144

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Qupperneq 144
April 1990) in the extreme low-precipitation area, probably needs such an origin as explanation. In- filtration from the braided Jökulsá in summer could account for some part of this discharge, but that does not change the glacial origin of the water. Interpolation of the chloride content implies, that the springs in Hólmatungur have a drainage area with a centre not more than 20 km towards S, and that only if the chloride in the springs is thought to be en- riched by admixture of geothermal water. A centre for the drainage towards lake Mývatn (analyses from Ólafsson, 1979) would be N of Dyngjufjöll and for Herðubreiðarlindir NE of the same mountains. Árna- son (1976) presumes, on the base of his deuterium mapping, that the springs at Mývatn have a similar drainage basin as is here indicated. He also states on the same basis, that the water in the springs of Suðurárbotnar and Hólmatungur is of a glacial ori- gin. This is possibly to a certain degree correct for the water in Suðurárbotnar, but the chloride contents, the hydrogeological conditions and the high groundwater level in Dyngjufjöll present strong arguments against such a solution for the spring-water in Hólmatungur. Here again, a disregard of the altitudinal effect of the mountains on the deuterium contents, together with strong seasonal variations in the ”local“ springs and a lack of proper springs for sampling may have led to a confused mapping and too narrow an interpretation. Most of the springs in the Kverkfjöll fissure zones, the springs E and NE from Dyngjufjöll and those in Suðurárbotnar show signs of a geothermal influence (sulphate >5 ppm, sodium > 10 ppm). This is not the case in the springs on upper Skjálfandafljót, despite the presence of local thermes. The groundwater stands probably high in the al- tered and impermeable rocks of the central volcanoes Dyngjufjöll and Kverkfjöll (in lake Öskjuvatn more than 1,000 m a.s.l.), causing a wide distributionof the flow of thermal water and at the same time blocking off the flow of glacial groundwater along the fissure zones. A glacial origin is not necessary for the spring water in Suðurárbotnar on chemical grounds alone, but the volume of the water (together with the river Svartá, probably near to 20 mJ/s) requires an exten- sive drainage area, at least reaching close to the margin of the glacier. Thus the only groundwater in the re- gion with a major probability of a glacial origin is in the upper reaches of Skjálfandafljót and on Jökulsá á Fjöllum, E and SE from Dyngjufjöll. It could be to some degree present in Suðurárbotnar and in the Kverkfjöll fissure zone, where geothermal influence can be traced in the relatively deep circulating water for a distance of up to 30-50 km away from the central volcanoes Dyngjufjöll and Kverkfjöll, respectively. GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY OF THE TUNGNAÁAREA The area SW from western Vatnajökull is in this discussion unique in that regard, that a comprehensive hydrological model has been constructed and success- fully operated for the area (Vatnaskil, 1987; 1988). Although the basic meteorological data are for a good deal based on estimates and calculations and the hy- drogeological base was only a preliminary draft for a hydrogeological map, the model fits pretty well to check-values like the discharge of springs or the groundwater level. The groundwater currents in the model correspond, at least roughly, to what can be concluded for their location from the chemical clas- sification. The results of the model operations must be given a considerable credibility, despite the still incomplete basic data (Fig. 22). The previous maps of the groundwater flow by Sigbjamarson (1972) and Ámason (1976) differ from the one in the model, es- pecially with regard to the Veiðivötn area proper. The differences seem to be a matter of interpretation, based on the scope of information, available at the respective times. Yet it should be noted, that all the authors pre- surne a considerable amount of glacial groundwater entering the ice-free basin and passing through it. The total outflow in great springs is estimated to be near to 80 m3/s (Vatnaskil, 1987), but the total ground- water flow is certainly somewhat more. A rough sum- marization of the infiltration values used in the model gives an area of the glacial drainage area of near to 600 km2 (Vatnaskil 1988), with a mean infiltration of near to 2,000 mm/year, which yields near to 35 m3/s total runoff. Similar estimates for the ice-free, highly permeable part of the basin (2,000 km2, over 1,000 mm/year) give an runoff of near to 65 m3/s, or ap- 140 JÖKULL, No. 40, 1990
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