
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Qupperneq 158

Jökull - 01.12.1990, Qupperneq 158
son and Sæmundsson (1987). Six central volcanoes have been identifiedbeneath the ice cap: Bárðarbunga, Grímsvötn, Þórðarhyma, Kverkfjöll, and Öræfajök- ull, and tentatively Esjufjöll. The location of fissure swarms extending from the various central volcanoes is more uncertain. Six fissure swarms have been traced from the ice-free areas towards Vatnajökull. First, the swarm which connects Torfajökull, Veiði- vötn, Vatnaöldur and Heljargjá disappears beneath Sylgjujökull and Köldukvíslarjökull, where there is, however, no topographic expression of it. It proba- bly continues under the glacier, runs through Bárðar- bunga, reappears near Kistufell and extends to Trölla- dyngja (Dyngjuháls swarm). The Laki fissure swarm is traced to the edge of Skaftárjökull. It may con- tinue beneath the ice towards Hágöngur, Þórðarhyma, Háabunga and Grímsvötn. Between the two swarms a swarm of hyaloclastite ridges extends from Tungna- árjökull along Tungnaárfjöll and Fögrufjöll towards Torfajökull (Fögrufjöll swarm). Two fissure swarms occur north of Vatnajökull to the east of the Dyngju- háls swarm. One trends from Askja to Dyngjujökull, the other is centred on Kverkfjöll (Jóhannesson and Sæmundsson, 1989). All these fissure swarms have been active in postglacial time except the swarm at Fögrufjöll. The central volcanoes and the fissure swarms can be grouped together into volcanic systems, which will now be discussed in more detail. BÁRÐARBUNGA-VEIÐIVÖTN VOLCANIC SYSTEM Bárðarbunga is a large volcanic edifice, which rises to an elevation of 1500-1850 m, i. e. 500 - 900 m above its surroundings. It contains a 700 m deep caldera, about 80 km2 in area. Its bottom is at 1100 m a.s.l. The mountain massif stretches NE in the direction of Dyngjuháls. From the southwest- ern slopes of Bárðarbunga, a ridge strikes SW across Köldukvíslarjökull towards northwestern Hamarinn. Beneath Sylgjujökull a cone-shaped mountain that rises above 1000 m is situated on the continuation of this ridge. The ridge may be the expression of a fissure swarm that connects Hamarinn and Bárðar- bunga. Thus, the subglacial topography indicates that the Bárðarbunga volcanic system, with a fissure swarm that extends to the southwest through Trölla- gígar and Heljargjá to Veiðivötn (Sæmundsson, 1978, 1979; Larsen, 1984), is connected to a separate central volcano, Hamarinn. Bárðarbungahas been among the most seismically active volcanoes in Iceland since 1974, when a remark- able series of earthquakes began there. The series has so far included 10 events of magnitude 5 and larger. Earthquakes of this magnitude did not occur in this area for at least 50 years priorto 1974. The epicentres are mostly located slightly NE of the caldera. Focal mechanisms have been obtained from teleseismic data for 5 of the large events at Bárðarbunga (Einarsson, 1986, 1987, 1988). They all show a large component of reverse faulting, interpreted as the result of deflation of a crustal magma chamber beneath Bárðarbunga. Thus the seismic evidence shows that Bárðarbunga contains an active magmatic system and suggests that the pressure in this system has been decreasing since 1974. A separate epicentral cluster is found NE of Bárðarbunga, near Kistufell, where small swarms sometimes occur. Seismic activity is, on the other hand, absent in the fissure swarm SW of Bárðarbunga. Volcanic activity in Bárðarbunga may cause floods in rivers flowing in all directions, depending upon the eruption site. Fig. 4 shows the water divides on the glacierforthe various rivers (Bjömsson,inprep.). Wa- ter from an eruption on the SW and W flanks would drain to Kaldakvísl, and an eruption on the N flank would produce floods in Skjálfandafljót. The water divide between Skjálfandafljót and Jökulsá á Fjöllum follows a ridge that extends from northeastern Bárðar- bungatowards Kistufell. An eruption on the and E and SE flanks would produce meltwater that would drain to Jökulsá á Fjöllum. From a south flank eruption some water might find its way to the water-filled vault beneath the Skaftá ice cauldrons and even Grímsvötn. and could trigger jökulhlaups in Skaftá and Skeiðará. Volcanic activity in Bárðarbunga could certainly cause catastrophic jökulhlaups, with high potential en- ergy and great erosional power. Suchjökulhlaupsmay explain the deep canyons in Jökulsá á Fjöllum. Melt- water produced within the caldera would most easily escape through a pass in the SE rim and drain to- 154 JÖKULL, No. 40, 1990
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