Orð og tunga - 01.06.2013, Qupperneq 136
Orð og tunga
hand, clearly refers to the fruit orange (see Table 3).10 In the late nine-
teenth and twentieth centuries, the term becomes increasingly used
in poetry rather than prose (see ROH for examples), and in two cases
it occurs in a glossary (Steingrímur Thorsteinsson 1886:199, 229), next
to other possible terms for the orange fruit (see Table 3 and Table 4).
Quote Date/Source Translated from
"En engin aldini voru á þeim tíma árs fullvaxin utan póinerans og bónanster" 1661; Guðbrandur Jónsson 1946:11.73
"margslags Triaam ... Pomerans og Laurberia Triaam" Lassenius 1723:150 German; Lassenius 1857:80-81
"Paalmavidar-Tried merker hans Sigurvinning ... enn Pomerants Avoxturenn þann sæta Ylm Lassenius 1723:151 Gennan; Lassenius 1857:80-81
"I Gardenum feck hann morg aagiæt Aldine, so sem ... Pomeranfz-Eple" Björn Markússon 1756:314 Danish
"Aldinin eda Eplin. ... Gull-epli (mala aurea, Pomerantzer)" Gudmund Thorgrimsen 1784:25 German; Búsching 1779:80
"Eyian er ynndæl, oll yrke, plontud og þakin granat-epla-, fikiu- og gull-epla edur pómeran fs-triám" Magnús Stephensen 1797:266
"I Iandi þessu finna menn ... sudurlanda ávexti (Pómerenzur,...)" Grímur Jónsson 1821:11.1, 224
"GoId...-orange, kvk. ... gullepli, pómeranza (pomum aurantium), óranzía." Steingrímur Thor- steinsson 1886:199- 200 German (glossary)
Table 3. Earliest examples of terms derived fivm the Latin pomum aurantium, German
Pomeranze or Danish pomerans.
By the middle of the nineteenth century, when, presumably, oranges
were still a fairly new and exotic product in Iceland and no common
Icelandic term for the fruit existed, the terms orangeávöxtur 'orange-
fruit/ orange-epli 'orange-apple/ and óransía 'orange' appear in writ-
ten sources. ROH only lists one example for each term (Table 4).
Quote SouRCE
"Orange-ávextir (appelsínur) voru fluttir frá Kína til Portúgal, 1547, og komust þaðan út um suðurhluta Evrópu" Páll Sveinsson 1862:94
"Ein tegundin verðr eins stór og smá orange-epli" Jón Jónsson Hjaltalín 1862:33
"Orange,... kvk.... óransía, óransíutré, gullepli, gullapaldur." Steingrímur Thorsteinsson 1886: 229
Table 4. Earliest examples of terms derived from orange.11
10 Gudmund Thorgrimsen uses gullepli to translate the German term Pomeranze. See
Busching 1778:80.
11 It is possible that orange-epli refers to the Cox Orange Pippin apple rather than an