Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.05.2002, Page 56

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.05.2002, Page 56
Ráðstefnur Nánari upplýsingar um ráðstefnurnar er að fá á skrifstofu Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga, Suðurlandsbraut 22, sími 540 6400. International Institute for Human Caring Intcrnational Conference Theme: Creating Caring Environments Boston, Bandaríkjunum 23.-24. maí 2002 Netfang: caringconference@partners.org 4th meeting of NOBOS Helsinki, Finnlandi 26.-28. maí Heimasíða: communities.msn.com/NOBOS The XXXIV Nordic Meeting of Gastroenterology Arósum, Danmörku 29. maí-1. júní 2002 Heimasíða: www.norrdicgastro2002.com 2nd Scandinavian Congress of Neurological Nursing Reykjavík, Islandi 29. maí-1. júní 2002 Heimasíða: www.congress.is lllth International Congrcss Women, Work and Health Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð 2.-5. júní 2002 Netfang: wwh@niwl.se Heimasíða: www.niwl.se/wwh Nordisk konferens Kunskap om ratt várd pá rátt sátt Stokkólmi, Svíþjóð 13. -14. júní 2002 Heimasíða: www.hasseludden.com The VI Nordic Conference on Cardial Rehabilitation Reykjavík, íslandi 14. -16. júní 2002 The Leadership Experience International Nursing Leadership Workshop Amsterdam, Hollandi 16.-21. júní 2002 Netfang: omalleygroup@tocg.net 3rd European Conference on Tobacco or Health Closing the Gap-Solidarity for Health Varsjá, Póllandi 20.-22. júní 2002 Netfang: scientific@ectoh2002.org 13th International Congress on Women’s Health Issues Seúl, Kóreu 26.-29. júní 2002 Heimasíða: wwwicowhi.ewha.ac.kr Netfang: icowhim.ewha.ac.kr The 18th UICC Cancer Congress Ósló, Noregi 30. júní-5. júlí 2002 Heimasíða: www.oslo2002.org „In sickness and in health: ethics, power, practice“ Melbourne, Astralíu 16. og 17. júlí 2002 Heimasíða: www.conferences.unimelb.edu.au/health The 13th International Research Congress „The adventures of nursing practice through research: How far have we come?” Brisbane, Drottningarlandi, Astralíu 24.-26. júlí 2002 Heimasíða: www.rcna.org.au Changes and Challenges (Spirituality and Health 6th European Conference of Nurses Christian Fellowship International Björgvin, Noregi 3.-10. ágúst 2002 International Public Health Nursing Diversities and Commonalities Belfast, Irlandi 28.-31. ágúst 2002 Heimasíða: www.qub.ac.uk/nur/conf/index.htm Netfang: I.matthews@qub.ac.uk 12th International Conference on Cancer Nursing Cancer Nursing 2002, Making a difference London, Bretlandi 28. ágúst -1. september 2002 Heimasíða: www.isncc.org llth Biennial Conference of the Workgroup of European Nurse Rcsearchers (WENR) Genf, Sviss 2.-4. september 2002 Netfang: kongress.sbk@bluewin.ch 16. EPICOH ráðstefnan um faraldursfræði vinnuheilbrigði (Epidemiology in Ocupational Health) og 2. Jack Pepys symposium um vinnutengdan asma og 3. alþjóðlega ráðstefan um heilsu kvenna: vinnu, krabbamein og frjósemisheilbrigði Barcelona, Spáni 11.-13. september 2002 Netfang: support@suportserveis.com Heimasíða: www.suportserveis.com 31st International Conference EDTNA/ERCA Haag, Hollandi 14.-17. september 2002 Netfang: EDTNA_ERCA@compuserve.com Elder Care: Are we ready for the future? The public, policy makers and caregivers speak to caring realities and policy imperatives. Toronto, Kanada 26. -27. september 2002 Netfang: vpullen@mao.org II World Conference on Bioethics Gijón, Spáni 30. september- 4. október 2002 Heimasíða: www.sibi.org 2nd ICN International Nurse Practitioner Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference Making the Future: Practice, Policy, and Partnerships Adelaide, Suður-Astralíu 31. október-2. nóvember 2002 Heimasíða: www.rcna.org.au Acendio Association for Common European Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes 4th European Conference of Acendio „Making nursing visible“ París, Frakklandi 20.-22. mars 2003 ICN Conference Building Excellence Through Evidence Marrakech, Marokkó 27. -29. júní 2003 Heimasíða: www.icn.ch 7th EANN Congress 2003 Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku dagsetning ekki ákveðin. ICN 23rd Quadrennial Congress 2005 in Taipei Taipei, Taiwan Heimasíða: www.twnna.org.tw 120 Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga ■ 2. tbl. 78. árg. 2002


Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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