
Jökull - 31.12.2001, Blaðsíða 28

Jökull - 31.12.2001, Blaðsíða 28
Thorsteinsson et al. Kvíslajökull Múlajöl kvislar Satujöku Miklafell .... ■ Þjórsárjökull Figure 1. Landsat-image of Hofsjökull from September 16th, 1986. The route of the expedition (broken line), the drilling site (X) at the summit of Hofsjökull (1790 m a.s.l.) and the names of major outlet glaciers are indicated. The rims of the subglacial caldera are clearly visible. - Landsat- gervihnattarmynd af Hofs- jökli frá 16. september, 1986. Sýnd er leiðin, sem farin var á jökulinn (brot- in lína), borstaðurinn (X) á hábungunni í 1790 m y.s. og nöfn helstu skrið- jökla. Barmar öskjunnar miklu undir jöklinum sjást greinilega. accumulation area on western Vatnajökull indicate that soluble impurities are washed out of the winter snow during the melting season (Gíslason, 1994). This does not exclude the possibility of obtaining well-dated records of precipitation variations from ice caps in Iceland. Several well-known tephra layers de- tected in the Bárðarbunga ice core allowed the dating of that core back to 1650 AD (Steinthórsson, 1977). It is generally believed that detailed studies of the con- centration of wind-blown dust, deposited on the ice caps mainly in late summer, could allow the detection of annual layers. If this turns out to be possible, exist- ing mass-balance records from the ice caps could be extended decades and perhaps even centuries back in time. Moreover, ice-core studies of stratigraphy and crystal textures and fabrics could add considerably to our knowledge of the intemal structure of temperate ice caps and glaciers, a subject of glaciology which hitherto has received relatively little attention. In this article, we describe an ice core drilling project to 100 m depth carried out on the Hofsjökull ice cap in the summer of 2001, focusing mainly on the technical aspects of drilling and outlining possible improvements in the existing drilling technique. HOFSJÖKULL Hofsjökull (Figure 1) is a temperate ice cap located in the central part of the Icelandic highland. It has an area of about 900 km2 and lies between elevations of 600 m and 1800 m. The equilibrium line altitude (ELA) has beeninthe 1200-1300 mrange since 1988. 26 JÖKULLNo. 51
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