Jökull - 31.12.2001, Blaðsíða 115
Instructions for authors
Scope and policy of the journal
Jökull publishes research papers, notes and review articles
conceming all aspects of the Earth Sciences. The joumal is
aimed at being an intemational fomm for geoscience rese-
arch in Iceland. The specialisation of the joumai is geograp-
hical rather than with regard to discipline.
Specific areas of coverage include glaciology, glacial
geology, physical geography, generai geology, petrology,
volcanology, geothermal research, geophysics, meteoro-
logy, hydrology and oceanography. Jökull also publishes
research notes and reports from glacier expeditions, book
reviews, and material of interest to the members of the
Icelandic Glacioiogical and Geological Societies.
Submission of manuscripts
Papers submitted to Jökull should report original and unpu-
blished work which is not being considered for publication
elsewhere. Three copies of each paper, one original and two
copies of lower quality, prepared on a typewriter or word-
processor, in double line spacing, single column and full
page width shouid be submitted.
Each paper is reviewed by at least two independent
referees. After acceptance, we request a copy of the final
manuscript, and as many figures as possible, on a compu-
ter diskette. It is essential that the name and version of the
word processing program and computer type, is included on
the diskette. Preferred software formats are LaTex or MS
Word. The editors also welcome an ascii-text version of the
final manuscript in electronic mail. Short to moderate length
papers are encouraged. Papers will typically be limited to 20
pages in Jökull format except in special circumstances.
Accepted languages are Icelandic and English. All
articles must include an abstract and figure text in both
languages. If authors do not speak both these languages
the editors reserve the right to translate the abstract and
figure captions. Notes do not require an abstract. Papers in
Icelandic cover topics of interest for the members of the
Manuscripts must be clearly typed, double spaced, with an
ample left margin and on one side of the sheet only. Each
sheet must be paginated. Figure captions, legends, tables,
illustrations and the reference list should be on separate
sheets. Words to be printed in italics shouid be underlined.
Instructions to the editor should be on a separate sheet. The
manuscript should be arranged as follows:
1. Title page, containing authors names, affiliations and
e-mail addresses 2. Abstract (not exceeding 300 words).
3. Main body of the paper 4. Reference list 5. Figure leg-
ends * 6. Tables * 7. Figures * 8. Appendices * Sections
marked (★) are discretionary.
Titles should be brief and informative. An abbrevia-
ted title suitable for page headings is also recommended.
The abstract should be a single paragraph that states the
nature of the investigation and summarises the conclusions
drawn. References should not be cited in an abstract and
abbreviations should be avoided. Double-space the main
text to allow room for reviewers to make annotations. Secti-
ons and subsections should be clearly headed. Tables should
be as simple as possible and large tables should be avoided.
Each table should have a brief title. All illustrations must
be ready for reproduction. The final scale should usually be
adjusted either to the width of a single column (75 mm) or
the maximum width of the printing area of the page (155
mm). Breadths between these mentioned are also accepted.
Photographs shouid be submitted as postscript files,
glossy prints or slides. Suitable scale of originals is about
1-2 times the final printing size. Consider this reduction
when deciding the size of numbers, letters, symbols and line
thickness. Numbers and letters should not be less than 1 mm
in the printing scale. In printing, lines cannot be finer th-
an 0.1 mm and the distance between lines not less than 0.2
mm. Fold-outs can only be accepted in exceptional cases.
All illustrations shouid be identified lightly with a pencil on
the back with the name of the author and the figure number.
Formulae and algebraic symbols should be indicated
clearly. Equations should be numbered sequentially. For-
mulae can be referred to in the text by numbers in brackets.
Give the meaning of all symbols. Algebraic symbols for
physical quantities should follow the recommendations of
the Commission for Symbols, Units and Nomenclature of
the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. The
Intemational System of Units, denoted SI, should be used
throughout for numerical data.
References should be listed in alphabetical order at the
end of the paper. Abbreviate the titles of periodicals menti-
oned in the list of references to the International Serials Ca-
talogue published by the Intemational Council of Scientific
Unions Abstracting Board (ISBN 92-9027-004-7).
Bödvarsson, G. 1955. On the fiow of ice-sheet and glaciers.
Jökull 5, 1-8.
Björnsson, H. 1988. Hydrology of Ice Caps in Volcanic
Regions. Soc. Sci. Islandica. 45, Reykjavík, 139 pp.
Paterson, W. S. B. 1994. The Physics ofGlaciers (Third Ed-
ition). Pergamon. 480 pp.
Vogt, P.R., G. L. Johnson and L. Kristjánsson 1980. Morp-
hology and magnetic anomalies north of Iceland. J. of
Geophysics 47, 67-80.
Walker, G. P. L. 1974. Eruptive mechanisms in Iceland. In
L. Kristjánsson, ed. Geodynamics of Iceland and the
North Atlantic Area. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 190-201.
There are no page charges for publication in Jökull, except
for colour illustrations, and authors receive a minimum of
50 reprints free of charge. Additional reprints may be ord-
ered when galley proofs are retumed to the editor.